Chapter-4 (Kalos High School)

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No one's POV

Our Chapter begins in Lumiose City at Kalos high, one of the most prestigious schools in the Kalos/world.

Serena- Ah! Fresh Lumiose Breeze. I'm so excited to finally head back to Kalos high. I miss everyone there.

Meanwhile At Kalos high

Gary- Yo what's good guys. How was your summer?

Drew- Yea, I had a great time.

Dawn- It was ok I guess I really missed you guys.

May- Aww, Dawnie l missed you too

Paul - whatever

Dawn - PAUL!!!!!

Paul- Girl you need to chill

Dawn wacks Paul on the head

May - That is what you get Paul

Paul- whatever

Dawn - Paul, do you want one more!!

Paul - no please

Everybody burst of laughing

Serena- Hey guys did I miss anything?

May - hey Serena, I missed you

Dawn- same here, welcome back Serena

The 3 friends hugged each others

Barry- I'm going to fine you for being late Serena

Paul - STFU Barry, And when tf did you get here?

Barry- I really don't know the world or the author (😂) brought me here when it wanted too.

Gary- Since when did Barry become deep

Barry - So does that mean I'm smart.

Everyone- Barry Absolutely not. Now STFU

Gary- Anyway did you guys hear that we are getting a new student in our class.

Dawn- Really Gary! Who is it?

Gary- Unfortunately, Gramps didn't tell me for some reason. Seems kinda suspicious if you ask me.

Barry - Hey guys, i think that is the new kid over there (Points towards the school gate)

Dawn - let's go and say hi to him

Everyone - right!!!

When they reach at the school gate

Gary - hey man, my nam.....

Ash (He ignores the group and keeps walking)

Everyone - how rude!! !!

Drew - Anyway guys we should leave our stuff in the dorms and get to class quickly.

Everyone - agreed

Ash flashback

When ash reached Kalos airport

Ash- this place hasn't changed a bit!!

Pikachu- pika!!!

Ash- let's go to Pokemon center

When ash reach Pokemon center

Nurse joy - hello sir, how can I help you?

Ash - I want to register in the tournament

Nurse joy - sorry sir but you have to register 2 months before the tournament and there is still nearly 1 year left for the tournament. You can join in the Kalos high. All the trainer are invited there.

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