Chapter-6 (Cold Hearted Soul)

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Next day

Gary :- Hey guys how was your first night back?

Barry - I slept like a log.

Paul- The guy next door snores a lot but I'm just going to have to get used to it.

May and Dawn - We both slept fine

Drew - Hey guys. Where is Serena?

Paul - Hey guys look over there (Points towards hallway)

Dawn - Great it is school bullies, Miette and Ursula

Barry - Sorry Dawn but we can't engage with them otherwise we will get in trouble. Miette is a Kalos Queen and no one can hurt her in her own region Kalos weather it is a trainer or a performer. Serena wouldn't want us to get in trouble just for her.

May - Your right Barry. But I just feel so helpless.

Gary - I wish Ash was here,

Meanwhile with Serena, Miette and Ursula

Miette - Hey b**** watch where you going (Slaps her and Serena is on the floor)

Ursula- Ya B**** (Kicks her repeatedly)

Serena - I'm sorry but what have I done, please stop it (Continues Crying)

Ursula - We need to teach her special lesson, miette let's have some fun.

Miette - I was waiting for this moment.

Serena's flashback

Serena was running but suddenly land beneath her foot starts to slip down and Serena starts to fall

Serena - ash save me!!

Ash caught Serena's hand

Ash - hold on Serena! I'll not leave you.

Ash tried to pull Serena up but he tripped and also fell with her.

They both were falling but Ash held her and twisted his body so that Serena was now on top of Ash body.
He held Serena and they both fell.
But somehow ash managed to save her from getting hurt but took that damage on himself.

Flashback ends

Mietti took out a boot which had a sharp spikes in it. Mietti was about launch that on her but

Serena mumbled - ash save me!

??- Thunderbolt

Miette and Ursula - Aaaaaaa!! Who was that?

Red - Me. *YELLS* Get tf away from this girl she has done nothing to deserve this. Pikachu use.

Both: You will regret this (Both run away)

Drew - Thank god that's been dealt with let's go thank him and help Serena.

Everyone - right!!

Ash then leaves and head towards class. And Serena went unconscious and laid down on floor.

Dawn - Guys Serena is badly injured. Paul carry Serena to the nurse's office quickly.

Paul - Right (Carries Serena and heads to the nurse's office)

Dawn - Guys I'm really worried about Serena

Drew - With all seriousness, Serena has Rhyhorns racing in her DNA. She can recover from this.

Dawn - You're right Drew. Let's just head to class and afterwards we can check on Serena

Everyone: Agreed

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