Chapter 11 - Deeper into Hell

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"Huh, smart idea."

Out of all the things Y/N expected to see when Joel resurfaced from the water below, the wooden pallet was definitely not the thought that crossed his mind. But he had to give it to him, it was good.

"Oh - this thing again." Ellie sighed, slumping her shoulders as Joel swam in the water, and stacked up against the pier, holding onto the wooden pallet as it docked.

"Oh, there you go. That's smart." Henry called out from atop the stairs, before bristling as Y/N bumped past him not so subtly.

"So you've done this before?" Y/N asked curiously, watching as Ellie answered Joel's call.

The teen took her time to climb down and drop on the pallet, Joel holding it securely so she wouldn't fall or tumble over the edge.

"Yep," Ellie said as she dropped, her footing made contact with the wood. Steading herself on the board, she bit her lip nervously as the water splashed at her new found contact above the tide of the sewage. "And it never gets easier." She groaned, before calling out to Y/N when Joel began pushing her along. "How about you?"

Y/N shook his head, silenting debating whether to answer, before making his mind up. "Nope, 'cause I already know how to swim."

"Oh, really?" Ellie exclaimed, sarcasm marking her tone, almost annoyed at the fact that he had that advantage over her.

"Yeah, really." Y/N mumbled to himself.

Taking one last look at the murky water that was below, Y/N sighed and followed after Henry and Sam back up the stairs and to the platform. When he reached it, he could almost hear Ellie's repress about her own situation.

She hated the water, that much he knew.

Probably about as much he hated heights.

A few minutes later Ellie had reached the opposite side of the water and climbed aboard, gingerly taking a hold of the generator and bringing it to life. Noted by the hum of the machinery and then the loud cranking of the platform behind, located with Y/N and the others.

"Alright!" Ellie cheered, a thrill of satisfaction coursing through her very body.

The small platform began to move across the room. Providing a way for the other three to get across, as Joel climbed up from the water below.

"About time." Y/N said with a groan, as he stepped off the platform when it reached the edge. He grimaced, suddenly reaching down to cup at the leg of his wound as his movements agitated it.

"You're welcome." Ellie rolled her eyes, flipping Y/N the bird when the others moved past them and out of her range.

Y/N shoved down any pride loss at having need of a person dependent on, and nodded his head, gratefully, "Good job." 

At that, Ellie's face lit up and the two moved on, following the others as they walked on into another tunnel heading further into the sewer, and god knows where it led.

"I gotta say, I'm impressed with you two." Henry said, taking a look at Ellie and Joel as they moved ahead, and neither missed the dip of Y/N's head when he wasn't included.

But quite frankly, he didn't really care.

"Psshh... We're pros at this by now." Ellie replied, almost cocky as she moved on.

While not so subtly turning to her right, gazing at Y/N for a few seconds at most, before facing ahead again.

The group kept on walking through the tunnel, flashlights on and fingers closely against their holsters. While Y/N himself kept a tight grip on the sling of his rifle as they came to a stop.

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