Chapter 3 - Princess in Distress

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"Joel!" Ellie screamed, the elevator Joel had been standing on collapsed, and him with it. "Joel!"

"I'm alright!" Joel's shout came back up, Ellie sighed immediately, filled with relief. That could've gone really bad, luckily it didn't. "Are you okay?"

Ellie scoffed, feeling her stomach almost lurch in response. "NO!" She retorted loudly. "You scared the shit outta me!" She panted, feeling drained of everything as she placed her hands atop her knees, taking a deep breath. Ellie looked down into the elevator shaft, looking for a way down. "I'm... I'm gonna climb down there, okay?" As she sat down and propped her legs over the gap leading down but stopped her movements when she said Joel shout back.

"No!" It was no use the two of them being stuck down there, that much Joel knew. It wasn't a good idea. "Stay up there. I'll make my way up to you!" Ellie watched as his flashlight disappeared and with it, himself as he tried to make his way out.

"Fuck." Ellie cursed. "This is so fucked." Ellie shook her head and turned around. She was in a corridor, full of luggage bags and strollers, the room was fairly lit with light from the outside, so she had no use to have her flashlight on. "Okay, gotta find a way down."

Ellie took her time, walking past long faded and used rooms of the past. She often wondered what it would have been like to visit a place like this. How normal it would have been, except here now, it was anything but normal. The world filled with dread, misery and death, common occurrences in their lives. And then she looked down at her arm, pulling back the sleeve to reveal the bite back on her arm that had barely progressed past anything of serious threat, immuned. Lucky for her.

But she was so trapped in her thoughts that she didn't hear the footsteps behind, running up to her until the last minute. She turned her head fast but it was too late. "What the- ah get the fuck off me!" Somebody had grabbed a hold of her. Ellie reached into her pocket and pulled out her switchblade and thrusted it at whoever grabbed her, stabbing them in the arm that had grabbed her.

"ARGH!" It was a male voice, the attacker. "You bitch!" He roared and Ellie jumped around to face her attacker dead on, her switchblade in hand. The man's eyes were wide in surprise, he shook it off and lunged at her as Ellie raised her blade but something made her froze up, hesitating almost. The man grabbed a hold of her forearm which held the knife and she in turn tried to stab him but the man knocked it from her hand and punched her in the face, knocking her to the ground.

"You're gonna die slow." The man hissed as he grabbed at her neck, an attempt to strangle her, but Ellie wasn't done fighting.

"Get the fuck off me!" She shouted, reaching behind her, she grabbed onto something, a brick and lunged at him, striking him in the face hard, enough to break it. The man screamed in pain and yelped back off of her, his hands covering his face as he staggered on the floor.

"I'll fucking kill-" But whatever the man had to say was drowned out as a knife was plunged through the back of his head and came out the front of his mouth, and immediately the blade thrusted out, the man's body thumping to the floor.

"Shit, shit, shit." Ellie scrambled as she manervoured backwards, herself still on the floor, so much that she ended up hitting the back of a wall. She looked up to see a boy, somewhere around her age, clutching the very same knife (covered in the man's blood) that had been used just seconds ago.

He wore ripped blue jeans, a pair of black style combat boots, and a beige jacket. He looked at her for a second, if trying to figure out who she was, as if he recognized her.

It wasn't until Ellie tilted her head further up to see the full scale of his height, he was about average. He was a head taller than her, with the crown of her head stopping at the base of his neck. Ellie immediately got to her feet, pushing herself up with the help of her hands and looked up at the stranger who had saved her life.

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