Chapter 26 - Winter's Embrace

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A/N: Had a title change, next one is Winter's Wrath, and after that, we'll be onto Salt Lake City...

When they rounded the corner David was there waiting, reloading his revolver. The man stopped shy of his last bullet, looking from Ellie to Y/N, who raised his rifle warily.

"I was wondering what all that ruckus was." David responded as he lowered his revolver. "This your, what did you call him, a guardian Angel?"

Y/N snorted and snuck his nose up at him, "Where did you find this old fuck?" He asked as he emptied his rifle and dropped the empty magazine, quickly adding in a new one.

David snorted, "Charming little fella, aren't you."

"You haven't seen nothing yet." Y/N stepped towards him, agitated and wary. "Wait until I shove my foot up your—"

"Y/N." Ellie rolled her eyes, slugging him in the arm as she passed by him. "Be nice, please. I want to get the fuck out of here alive — without the bullshit."

Scoffing, Y/N let his rifle go with it's sling and rubbed at his hands. Fucking cold was settling in and his hands were not exactly made of leather.

"Fine. You got a name?"

'Deja Vu in one, two, three...'

"It's David." The man introduced himself to Y/N, a smile on his face, "Nice to meet you, Y/N"

Y/N's face turned to a scowl, "Great. That's all I need..." He muttered, "Another warm welcome."

Ellie forced herself not to roll her eyes, "Awesome, now that we're all best of pals, can we work on getting the fuck out of here?"

The two males answered in unison, complying with her words. They all needed each other to get out alive, and well, even if they didn't trust David, they did need him.

For now, at least.

"Lemme check this door." David approached a fire exit door close to them, and tried the handle. "Locked." He shoved his whole might into the door, shoulder bracing against the metal frame. No dice. "It's shut tight. We're gonna have to find another way out."

"I got it." Y/N gave the older man a smirk that was teetering on dangerous ground. "There's a ladder up there, gotta get it down here."

"Nice find." Ellie gestured him over to a wall that led up to the catwalk, "Here, boast me up."

"You're leaving me with this--"


"...Alright." Y/N shoved it down deep, and joined her over by the wall as David followed. "Here," He held his hands out and quickly Ellie placed a foot and her next, as Y/N lifted her up. "Oof, I think you've put on a couple pounds."

Ellie grabbed a hold of the rail and climbed up. When she was securely up there she turned back down, and glared hard, "I'm a growing girl, Y/N, so shut the fuck up."

"Got it."

David chuckled, causing the two to snap towards him, "Close friends, I gather?"

"Something like that," Ellie muttered before taking to the catwalk, intending on getting that ladder. She hoped they'd still be alive by the time she got back. "I'll be quick."

"Please do." Y/N said, his face adjourned with sarcasm, "I don't wanna freeze to death down here with lumberjack David here."

David looked at him, raising an eyebrow, before he looked to Ellie, "Neither do I."

Y/N and David watched as Ellie made her way around the catwalk, treading carefully as infected were nearby. Halfway round the catwalk their view of her was obstructed by machinery, and so the two could only listen. Gunshots followed, and a struggle of a fight. Y/N stepped on his tiptoes to try to get a better desperate angle, but it was in vain.

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