Chapter 5 - A Hardened Pessimistic

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'Finally, a workbench.'

Y/N, along with Joel and Ellie had dropped down into another room, after prepping the metal trolley they had used to wedge the gate open beforehand, against the open half of another gate ahead.

Considering the main entrance was blocked via debris.

The boy had his eyes settled on a small metal workbench sitting in the far right corner of the room.

Allowing a small smirk, he walked up to it and removed his bag from his shoulder and placed it down on the table. Y/N pulled out of his sidearm and began to get to work, cleaning the gun, taking apart the weapon itself.

He was familiar with cleaning guns on the occasion, had to be or his guns would be dead in the water.

Next he moved onto his rifle and propped it onto the bench, gathering up any scrap he had on him and began to fashion himself a mag for it.

While that was happening, Ellie watched the boy close (Joel had his eyes on the kid still not being too trusting, but not hostile as he swept the room) though Ellie was more curious than indifferent unlike her protector/smuggler.

She couldn't help but take interest in him. Considering he was the only person around her age that wasn't dead or an asshole... now, at least. Though she couldn't blame him for being snarky when they first met.

Three minutes later, Y/N was finished. A makeshift magazine slapped into the underbarrel of the rifle. Five round mag, something he was grateful for.

Y/N turned to face Ellie as she laid off to the side as Joel was just finished recapping the area.

"You done?" Ellie asked as she looked back at him, pushing herself off the wall and walking up to him.

The sixteen year old raised an eyebrow as if to say 'What do you think?' as he picked his bag up and hoisted up around his left shoulder and strapped it on. His weapons already back on him.

Deciding to humour her, he answered, "Yeah, Princess."

Y/N allowed a small grin, but soon fell as he schooled his features. Sighing, he followed after Joel as he led them, the man gave the kid a glance now and again. While Ellie scoffed, and shook her head.

"I'll shoot you."

It was meant to sound threatening but Y/N merely pushed it aside.

"You'll miss."

"Not at this range."

Joel huffed up ahead as they ventured into the next room. The man jumped over a knocked over metal shelf, followed shortly by the two bickering kids that could honestly be mistaken for a married couple the way they were talking.

Though the talk was immediately shut down by the sound of a woman's scream.

"Oh shit. Get down, get down." Joel hushed them as he crouched fast, planting himself close up against the window in front of them.

"Keep running!" A man's voice was heard from the outside.

It had Y/N tighten his hands around his rifle, as the boy peered out of the window, the sound of voices coming from their left. Soon enough they were proven right as a man and woman came running down the street.

That was, until they were lit up. The two people were shot from behind by machine gun fire, if Y/N had to guess the loud gunshots that followed were to go from.

He held his breath, as he felt Ellie next to him freeze as she watched the scene play out.

An armoured truck soon followed behind and parked directly to the next survivors on the floor. From what Y/N could see, the man was already dead yet the woman was still alive. Something Ellie noticed too, she made a notion as if to get up and help, but Y/N held her back.

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