Chapter 5 - Professor Reuben Thomas

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Walking through the halls of Hogwarts is pretty exhilarating. I'm starting to get used to my new body, but another face looking back at me is still a little unsettling. I'm pretty, but in a way that isn't intimidating. My eyes are almost a little exotic, turning from green to blue depending on the light. I really like my new face. Gerald said that I would need to actually become this person in order to make my experience fulfilling. I wasn't quite there yet. To see people looking at me, and realizing they saw Professor Airhart, was still unnerving. But, if I'm going to be Professor Avia Airhart, I'm going to have to own it. I just need to remind myself to be myself... and this was all a part of me now. Thanks Jo... I can work with this, I thought with a smile. Anyway, imagine if I had the chance to be a man in a Realm. I couldn't help but wonder how my personality would translate into that. I used to be a serious tomboy... I'm sure I could swing that.

Now, what to do with the rest of the day. I sat down at my desk and started looking over the lesson plans for tomorrow.  I jumped when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I said, maybe expecting a student. It wasn't...

"Hi there," said a voice coming from an impressive looking man.

"Hi there," I replied.  Where was my smile now when it was appropriate?  I think I was too caught up in just looking at him and forgot any appropriate 'etiquette' to call upon for a moment.

"I'm Professor Thomas. Reuben Thomas. People call me 'Reu' when I'm not on the clock," he said, smiling affably.

Too many puns on his name crossed my mind that I knew I couldn't utter out loud, and my smile finally made it to my lips. I was, however, curious why he was introducing himself to me, since Avia would have most likely already known him. "Nice to meet you Reu," I said simply, not wanting to make assumptions too soon. "Please, have a seat if you'd like," I offered, noticing he looked like he had more to say. He sat in the upholstered chair on the other side of my desk. My room was large, and laid out smartly, with a screen creating a separation from my bedroom to my office/seating area. 

"I'm your mitigator, as you may have suspected," he said with a smile.  He leaned forward in his chair as if to get a better look at me. "I wonder if your face from the real world telegraphs your emotions as this one does. The previous Traveler did not show any emotions really, so I'm going to assume that this trait is all yours," he offered, and I could tell he was as perceptive as he was handsome. He was not only handsome, and perceptive... he was charming. But if he was a Surveyor and a mitigator, as Jo had said, he was probably comfortable in this Realm, and experienced beyond his actual age.

"So I've been told," I said honestly, a little surprised he noticed that so soon about me.

"As you know, the previous Traveler didn't pan out. I could tell right off the pitch she would struggle. I can also tell that you won't," he smiled. "Sometime, hopefully, we'll have time to get to share about our former selves. But honestly," he said more seriously, "I prefer to get to know each other by our Ether-selves. There is something about stripping away much of our  previous life and starting over. I think we even find more of our true selves this way. The things about us that really matter are brought to the forefront."

There was something naggingly familiar about him, but there was also something very intriguing about him, and my curiosity was piqued. I would take his lead, though, and try to get to know Reu, as Reu, without asking about his 'real' identity. "Very well. I can see how that could be true," I said, warming up to this man. He was straightforward, and friendly, and I liked that. "I would dare say that 'your' face is also one not to hide your feelings. Your trait as well?" I asked, smiling warmly at the immediate familiar feel of this man. I normally didn't make friends that easy, but this man already felt like one...Curious. He laughed, and it was a pleasant laugh, and I could tell Reu was not self-conscious in any way. What you see is what you get. That was refreshing. He also seemed to be subtly flirting, not in a creepy way, but in a mutually humorous way, and that was also refreshing.

"So I have also been told," he said, his eyes flashing. "Later at dinner, in the grand hall, I will introduce you to the other Traveler. I can already tell you're going to be more fun than him. I will let you make your own opinion about him, but I will say that his new persona matches him quite well," Reu said.

"And what of mine?" I asked, maybe flirting back a little, but I was also curious if my personality meshed with my new appearance.

"I wouldn't suspect you were not born inside this body. Luckily, Avia spent much of her youth studying in the states, because you definitely have an American accent," he said in his deep English accent. "I'm sure I will be giving you advice over the duration, but that is my job, and my nature. I'm sure you will do fine, though. I can usually tell that straight off.  Now, I will try not to monopolize your time here. But I hope we are friends in this Realm, and I look forward to hopefully sharing some drinks with you. It's always nice to talk to other Travelers. We do have to be careful around others of course, but not to worry," he said reassuringly. "Until then, I hope to see you at dinner," he said, rising to leave.

"Thank you, Reu. I'm going to be happy to have you as a friend. I can usually tell straight off too," I said, standing to offer him my hand. He placed a polite kiss on it, flashing me a welcoming smile, and I suddenly felt like this adventure might be more than I'd bargained for.

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