Chapter 35 - Save the Man

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At breakfast the next day I sat with Reu. I looked down to Severus's end of the table, and his seat was empty. I shot Reu a worried glance. "No word?" I asked.

"No. Nothing. Not even from Lucius," he said. He hadn't started eating his food, and it became obvious to me that he had been waiting for me to arrive to make his next move. "Grab your sandwich and come with me," he said, wrapping his breakfast up in his napkin. I did the same and followed him through the corridors. Suddenly, we were out in open air, outside the walls of Hogwarts. Now I was really worried.

"Severus didn't show up for his classes today. Professor Dumbledore is subbing. Needless to say, I'm concerned," he said as we both ate our breakfast. I didn't have an appetite at this point, but with Reu shoving his own food down quickly, I thought there might be a reason, and I ate my own food hurriedly. Maybe he knew we wouldn't be back for lunch... or dinner.

"What about my classes? And yours?" I asked worriedly.

"I've already made arrangements. I assured Albus it was of utmost importance. He is not completely unaware that something is underfoot," he said, talking with his mouth full. "This is going to be dangerous. It's what we risk when we enter almost any Realm. Life still happens, and with the added element of magic, there is always an increased risk of danger. I need to ask you now..." he said as he finished his last bite and took my shoulders firmly in his hands. "We can leave now. We have that capability. The rest of this Occasion will play out without us. They will find us here, but we would be empty shells. Severus would figure it out, and Johnathan as well, if he hasn't returned already. We could try to mitigate the threat of Voldemort from our world. Maybe even by locking this Realm from the Threshold," Reu said.

I gasped, aghast at the thought of abandoning Severus and this Realm, maybe even for eternity. "When I agreed to do this, I decided I was all in. Whatever danger there is for me, I don't care! If we can stop Voldemort, they can work on a solution in our world... 'after' we finish what we started. I can't speak for you, but I'm not leaving!" I said, starting to sweat with the emotions that had super-heated my face.

"Ok, ok," Reu said, a small smile forming on his lips. "I just wanted to make sure you're willing to accept the seriousness of the danger... to us both. I would have been willing to leave with you, but I won't leave without you," he said, and I was instantly relieved that leaving didn't seem like what he wanted either. "Don't worry, I want to stay. This is the first time in a long time I've felt adrenaline coursing through my body. And that's not the reason either. I have lots of reasons actually. Lots. But if we're going to do this, I want to warn you, it might get scary," he said seriously. I was scared, but I was also reassured by the sense of steadfast bravery I felt from him, and I felt my own courage well up in me like sharpened steel.

"Then let's do it. You and me. Let's run the gauntlet!A test of mettle! A labor of love! A.." I said, and thankfully he stopped me since I probably could have gone on with the cliches for a while.

"Ok, ok. Jo was right... you are very enthusiastic," he said.

"You spoke with her? She knows about all of this?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes. She is awaiting our arrival," he said, and I remembered that time doesn't pass in our world, even if we were to survive this trial and live out our lives.

"Where do we go now? If they are in Malfoy Manor, the gates will be locked with a spell," I said with no idea how to circumvent that barrier.

"Severus and I made contingency plans. When he went to Malfoy Manor, his first task was to charm the gates to allow our entry. Well, my entry. The gate will recognize the presence of an Ether Stone and let me pass. That was the plan. I didn't mention you. I didn't think he would agree if I did. I may be wrong for even bringing you with me, and I'm sure I will have hell to pay with Severus for my decision," he smirked.

"So why are you?" I asked, even though I hadn't even considered that he could have gone alone.

"Because I know you. I know I would have hell to pay from you if I hadn't asked you to come. Maybe I'm being selfish, but I'd rather think that if fate brought us together, we shouldn't tempt it by splitting up the fabulous duo that is us now. Plus, we make one hell of a team," he said, chuckling.

"You're right. You would have had hell to pay if you would have left me on the sidelines," I said smiling. Severus might be scary sometimes, but I would have been absolutely livid if Reu would have left me behind to go face whatever awaited us alone.

"Just as I thought. So, we're going to have to play some of this by ear once we get into the Manor. I've been around a while, as you know, so I've picked up my fair share of Magical abilities. If we make it to Voldemort, I know what to do. We also prepared for plan B while I was in our world. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it may be our only option," he said, and I looked at him, wondering if he was going to tell me more. "I'm sorry, I can't share it all just yet. Voldemort's mind reading powers are formidable. Even with your skills, your mind might be susceptible," he said, and I nodded my understanding. "Once we get past the gates, I will use a disillusionment charm. We will be almost invisible, but we must still be quiet. So I will tell you now... our main focus is to get me to Voldemort, even if I have to go on without you. Even if you have to create a distraction. Whatever it takes. So, if you want to ask or say anything, now's the time," he said.

"Uh, I love you Reu, for forever," I said, just in case I wouldn't get the chance.

"I love you too, Avia, for forever," he replied. I thought he would have chuckled at our previously agreed terms of friendship endearment, but he hadn't. He looked at me endearingly instead, and brushed my face tenderly with his hand. He took a deep breath and grabbed my arm.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready as ever," I said, knowing this would be my last chance to change my mind... knowing that I would never turn back from the chance to save the man and the Realm I had grown to love. "Wait... I thought you said you couldn't apparate!?" I said.

"I lied," Reu said with a flash of his eyes, and I knew I would have to kick him if we made it back.

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