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Scenario:  Married Tooru Oikawa and  Hajime Iwaizumi are at an adoption center looking for the perfect child. They come across three boys and decide that they are each perfect. 


"Are you sure you want to adopt kids, Tooru?"

"Are you having second thoughts?"

"No! Of course not. It's just.."


Hajime sighed "We just got married. Are you sure you don't want to wait a little bit?"

"Our wedding was over a year ago! Besides, I think we're ready!"

Hajime got up from the couch and made his way into the kitchen. Tooru sighed and shifted positions

"Be honest Hajime, are you ready?"

His voice rang into the kitchen, while Hajime grabbed the tea kettle. After hearing silence Tooru got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. He stopped just short of the doorway and leaned on it.


The latter turned around and stared at his husband "I'm ready." He said after a sudden burst of newfound determination.

Tooru grinned, he ran full speed at Hajime and jumped on him.


"Don't do that, Crappykawa!"

Tooru let go of his husband and gave him a soft kiss on the lips "I haven't heard you call me that since high school."

Hajime chuckled "It was a slip of the tongue."

"I liked it, brings back memories."

They smiled at each other then the tea kettle started whistling. The couple started gathering things in sync, the browned-eyed man grabbing mugs from the cupboard while the olive-eyed man turned the stove off and grabbed the tea. In a matter of minutes, they were both sitting at the table taking small sips from their mugs.

"The adoption process is a long one."

"We could do foster care first."

Hajime sighed "We have to put a lot of thought into this. We can't just run headfirst and hope things go well."

"I know that!"

"We'll go to the adoption center tomorrow to ask about it okay?"

Tooru nodded whilst taking another sip of his tea. He set the cup down and huffed. Hajime raised an eyebrow

"Penny for your thoughts?"

The latter just simply shook his head

"I'm gonna shower."

He got a nod in response and headed to their bedroom, he grabbed his clothes and made his way down the hall. Along the way he admired the pictures that lined the walls, some of them were from high school, some of them were from when they were younger. Tooru stopped in front of their wedding photo and smiled, he remembered that day like it was yesterday. He remembered how nervous he was before the ceremony, his other best friend and past rival Daichi Sawamura, had to give multiple pep talks. It was a wonder that they managed to make it to the ceremony on time.

He turned away with a giggle and a spring in his step, he loved thinking about that day!

He stepped onto the cold tiles in the bathroom with a shiver and shut the door behind him. He stared at his reflection in the mirror and admired his appearance. He had changed over the past few years, he had grown taller and gained a lot more muscle since high school and his hair had gotten a bit longer. He still styles it the same way, not bothering to change it after so long.

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