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Scenario: Light takes L out on a date. Spoiler alert! It doesn't go well. 

Light made sure that everyone was asleep when he went down to see Ryuzaki, the only other being there was Ryuk but he learned to ignore him pretty quickly.

The detective sat at the desk typing away on the keyboard, he seemed tired. Did this man ever sleep?


The man hummed in response, and turned his desk chair around to face Light

"Why are you still awake? You were the first one to retire."

"I um.." Suddenly, he felt nervous. Why did he think this was a good idea?

He dropped his head to look at the ground, he decided he was just going to rip it off like a band-aid!

"Will..will you go on a date with me?"

Seconds ticked by which made the brunette look up, Ryuzaki was staring at him with a shocked expression. This made him more nervous than he was, he's been getting mixed memos about what the detective's sexuality may be. Was he wrong? Did he not see it right?

He held his breath as the silence continued, after a good few minutes he decided to back out

"Never m-"

"Hold on,"

Light clamped his mouth shut and waited patiently in fear for him to continue.

"I accept."

Light held his surprise back as best as he could, Ryuk stood in the corner laughing at the scene playing out in front of him.

"You do?"


"You don't think it's weird?"

"No. Besides, it'll get me closer to my friend."

Light tried not to show his disappointment


Ryuzaki turned back towards the computer monitor and started typing on the keyboard again

"Have everything figured out, I'll see you in the morning."

The brunette nodded "Goodnight then."

He slowly made his way back up the stairs, never letting his eyes leave the beautiful man in the room. As he walked by Misa's room, he noticed it slightly open. He hated anything to do with her so he chose to ignore it and pursued his trek to his room.

"What was that all about?" Ryuk questioned him as he entered his room, as usual, Light ignored him and laid down on his bed. He didn't want to get caught talking to thin air.

"A date with your competition?"

The Shinigami chuckled, it echoed throughout the room.

"I wonder how this is going to end?"

Light pulled the blanket over his body and rolled over onto his side, he was going to take Ryuzaki to the cafe down the street. They'll get a table farther away from everyone else and they'll be set.

In all reality, he had no idea what he was going to do next. But since the man was basically made up of sugar he knew he just had to take him to get more.

Maybe this will lessen the suspicion of him being Kira?

'No, that's not what this is about.'

Light hated that he was just as love crazy over Ryuzaki as Misa was with him. This feeling was so unique to him, sure he's dated a bunch of girls but nothing felt like this feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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