Asslamu alaykum warahmatullah wa barkatuhu 🙂💛
We hide our tears behind our smiles. We move on with our life as if nothing happened. We tell ourselves to not care. We say we are doing great when from the inside we feel like we are dying. We all hide something or the other inside of us, we dont share it even with our closest of friends, we wish & dream for things that are practically not possible & that makes us more depressed. We lose hope & we learn to live in that state, but you & me forget that we have Allah, we have our Creator who knows every single thought that crosses our mind, every single drop of tear that we cry in the darkest of night, every single worry we have in our mind & every fear that haunts our heart. He knows. He understands. He heals. He really does. In His own perfect timing. Just show Him unshakable faith & keep trusting Him, you will heal, it's a promise
The Guidance To Islamic Faith.
Cerita PendekReminders about Islam and stories of Quran To learn more about Islam, read the book You'll get benefited by it In sha Allah We only love to read about the story of jannah! But, are we prepared to go to jannah? Please my friends fear Allah. This dun...