No Sleepovers

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Meredith assumed it was her heartbroken friend knocking on her front door with some excuse to cover up the fact that she couldn't sleep alone. It would be the third time that week that Cristina had stayed over but Meredith wasn't complaining.

A much taller and less sarcastic man stood in the place of hypothetical Cristina. Sarcasm wasn't Derek's thing, he preferred corny jokes that normally made nobody but him laugh.

"What are you doing here?" Meredith cracked open the door enough to peak her head through and confronted him. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the bags of what appeared to be food and she couldn't believe him. It had been less than twelve hours since they'd broken up and there he was, most likely trying to convince her to take him back. It wasn't like she dumped him, it was a mutual and much needed decision.

"I figured you'd be hungry, it is your first day back as a resident and I was thinking..." Before he could finish her front door was being forced shut.

"Meredith?" before the door was completely shut he stuck his foot in between the slim gap. His face showed nothing but confusion and he held up the bags of food a second time in an attempt to get her to let him in. He knew better than anyone how hungry she got on days like this.

"It's not your job to feed me. I don't need your...'' she pointed to the bag and took a guess at what was inside, "rice... or your potstickers."

He only smirked and opened it to let her peek inside. "Actually, I got you eggrolls and chow mein." He couldn't help but mentally pat himself on the back when her eyes got wide and she fought the urge to lick her lips. Derek knew that was her favorite from the Chinese takeout restaurant they used to order from at least once a week.

"You''re just so." Meredith was struggling to speak but instead snatched the bag of food and slammed the door in his face. She heard him knock a second time as she made her way to the kitchen counter.

"You're seriously going to leave me out here? What if it starts raining, I could've sworn- oh is that a raindrop!" Derek joked through the barrier between them and heard her stomping towards the door.

Meredith took him in from head to toe, trying her hardest not to give in to the temptations and simply turn him away. "Damn it." It only took a few seconds of him looking at her the way that he always did, the way that made her knees weak and every noble decision vanish from her mind, leaving her with the need to launch herself at him and wrap her legs around his waist.

Derek found it impossible to protest, not that he wanted to; but if he had, her lips covering his made it difficult. He closed the door behind him and supported her body by holding onto her thighs as he walked her to the couch.

"Upstairs." She muttered against his cheek before pressing her lips against it.

"Meredith..." Derek stifled a groan when her hips ground into him and his erection rubbed against the confines of her jeans. Her giggles of satisfaction made it evident that it was her intention to tease him from the very beginning; she would have to pay for that later.

It wasn't long before they made it up the stairs and into the bedroom that Derek grew to know quite well, considering they spent most of their time there if they weren't at the trailer. His sweater hit the ground after her top and he guided her to the bed, trying not to get distracted by her mouth marking its territory on his chest.

Meredith smirked against his skin when her hands traveled to the patch of hair that lead to his boxers and he bucked his hips in anticipation, letting out a growl-like moan that sounded like music to her ears.

Her feet hit the ground as he set her down and unbuttoned his pants, leaving her to take care of her own.

"What?" Meredith almost felt the need to cover herself when he examined her body and let his eyes take in every inch of the now exposed area.

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