Chapter 2

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"Rian!" Jack pulled the drummer into a tight hug.
"Hey, man." He greeted before letting him go and moving onto Alex.

"How are you doing?" He asked gently, having heard the news. Alex gave a shrug. "Taking it a day at a time." Rian squeezed his shoulder gently before letting go.

"So, I hear we're getting free drinks?" He indicated towards Jack who laughed. "Hell yeah we are, I'm not paying for drinks in my own bar!" The other two laughed and they headed in.

They spent the evening in the corner booth catching up. It had been a while since the trio had managed to get together so there was plenty to talk about, none of which was Alex's break up for which he was incredibly grateful. Tonight, he just needed a break from it all.

They ended up in there till three hours after closing, stumbling out at five am into the predawn light.

Alex sighed with content wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders as they walked.

They reached Thames Street and Alex made his way towards the river. "Lex where are you going?" Jack laughed, following him.
"I need to get rid of something."

Jack followed him down to the water's edge with Rian just behind him. Alex yanked his wedding band off his finger and pulled his arm back.

"Woah Lex, hang on!" Rian stumbled forward, pausing him before he followed through. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Alex sent him a determined look. "It's over Ri. It's time to move on."

Rian clearly didn't seem too convinced, but he let go of his arm and watched as Alex threw the ring, sending it flying through the air and into the water with a satisfying splash. The trio stood watching the ripple pattern it had left behind for a while before Alex gave another peaceful sigh. "Let's go home."

The sun was starting to come up as Jack and Alex stumbled through Alex's front door. He let out a dismayed tone as he checked the time.

"My stupid goat children are going to want feeding soon." Jack snorted, shaking his head. "It's not like it's their fault you went out drinking." He defended. "No, it's yours." Jack could only laugh at that as they made their way up the stairs. "You decided you wanted to come out, I simply supplied a venue and alcohol." Alex huffed but didn't argue.

Jack stopped outside the bedroom doorway as Alex turned to face him. He leant up and pressed a swift kiss to Jack's cheek, startling the taller man.

"Thank you," Alex said as he pulled back. Jack nodded wordlessly, his hand coming up to touch the spot where Alex's lips had brushed his skin as the singer stumbled down the hall to his own room without looking back.

                                      ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・───

Their trips to the Rockwell quickly became a weekly thing. They'd catch up with whoever was around or hang out just the two of them, sitting in the corner chatting and drinking and just enjoying the other's company.

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