Chapter 3

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The packing didn't take long at all. There wasn't all that much stuff Jack actually wanted to bring with him to Alex's. Well, he supposed it was technically theirs now. He did live there after all.

He sorted out a forwarding address so all his mail would reach him there before sorting everything out with a moving company.

When he arrived back at the farm, he was surprised to find the house was empty. Alex's car was there so he knew he had to be in. Probably out with the animals.

He headed up to the bedroom in search of his boxes of stuff and smiled when he noticed his guitars standing in the corner next to Alex's he opened up the closet to find all his clothes already hung up and chuckled softly to himself. He really did have the best boyfriend.

He headed out to the barn and found Alex lounging outside on a small trampoline with the goats laid all over him. "Guys I'm trying to send an email." He laughed as Gryff began pulling on his hoodie whilst Milk nudged at him with his head.

"You bought them a trampoline." Jack laughed as Alex bolted upright, disturbing the trio in the process, and causing multiple bleats of dismay.

"Jacky!" He cried with delight, making grabby hands at him until he was close enough to pull into a kiss. "I missed you." He mumbled against his lips, smiling like an idiot. "So much that you bought a trampoline?" He was not about to just let that slide because seriously? A trampoline. For goats.

Alex rolled his eyes. "I didn't buy it. The neighbours were getting rid of it because their kids don't use it anymore." Jack just hummed as he sat down next to him. "I'll have you know they love it." He said indignantly.

Poe instantly bounded over and settled himself in Jack's lap. "Hey, Bud." He chuckled, scratching his head affectionately. Of course, this then meant the others wanted attention too. They really were like children.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who missed you." Alex chuckled as he watched them. "Well, who wouldn't miss me? I'm cool Uncle Jack." Alex snorted, shaking his head. "That's what May's kids call me." Alex sent him a disbelieving look. "Sure, they do."
"They do!"
"Keep telling yourself that." Jack rolled his eyes but smiled anyway.

"Besides you're more Dad than 'cool Uncle' at this point." Jack startled a little. He glanced up but Alex wasn't watching him, too busy stroking the goats to notice. He was surprised by how okay he was with that.

"Thanks for putting my stuff away." Alex just gave a shrug, finally meeting his gaze. "It's no bother. I wasn't about to leave it sitting around for days and I had nothing else to do." Jack smiled, leaning in, and kissing him once more.

Their lips moved together slowly as the kiss intensified. Their tongues eagerly sliding together as Jack's hand came up to hold the back of Alex's neck, keeping him in place as they kissed passionately. Alex broke the kiss with a small gasp, leaning their foreheads together.

"So, I was thinking date night tonight?" Alex mumbled, leaning in, and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. "I got a table at that new Italian place that opened in town." Jack grinned, brushing their lips together once more. "Sounds good to me."

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