Chapter 3

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As Mackenzie was in her room she realized something. When she was looking at Godzilla she noticed his behavior. How when he looked at her it's like he was calm and he would protect her. She then grabbed he little notebook and read a page about mating. She then sat up and gasped. "I'm Godzilla mate" She said. Mackenzie left her room and went to her dad and saw him in the control room where everyone was. She went up to her dad. Mark looked at his daughter. "Hey you okay" Mark asked. "Yeah but am I Godzilla mate" Mackenzie asked. Mark sighed and nodded. "Yes you are how did you figure it out" Mark asked. "I read a page in my notebook about mating when it was mating season for the wolves and figured it out" Mackenzie said. Mark smiled. He knew his daughter was a smart girl and would figure it out sooner or later about it. After a few hours they were headed to Antarctica where Emma and Maddison were. Mackenzie went to her room and got a nice warm outfit.
Mackenzie outfit

"Dad are you sure we will get Maddie and Mom back" Mackenzie asked

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"Dad are you sure we will get Maddie and Mom back" Mackenzie asked. "Yes honey I promise" Mark said promising his daughter. They were sitting in a helicopter watching as the soldiers started to fire at people. Then Mackenzie saw her mother and her sister. Mackenzie ran out the helicopter. "Kenzie" Mark said and ran after her. "What did you see" Mark said. "Mom and Maddie" Mackenzie said. Mark and Mackenzie started to run to the building. Once they got inside they went to find Emma and Maddison. Mackenzie saw them. "Dad down there" Mackenzie said. Mark looked and went down the ladder with Mackenzie and stood in front of Jonah and his crew with the gun pointed at them. "Let em go" Mark yelled. One of them pointed the gun at. Mark and Mackenzie until Mackenzie shot him with the gun she had. "Kenzie" Maddie yelled. "Mark Mackenzie" Emma whispered. "Emma Maddie let's go" Mark said. Mark and Mackenzie kept telling Maddie to walk toward them. "Come on guys let's go" Mackenzie said. "Mommy please come on" Mackenzie begged. Then Maddison walked back to her mother and Emma didn't move. Mackenzie looked at them with confusion. Emma then looked at Mackenzie and Mark. "I'm sorry" Emma said. "Mommy" Mackenzie said. "Run" Emma said then pressed a button causing explosions. Mackenzie and Mark backed away. Gun shots were being sent at them they got into an elevator. Mark pressed a button for the elevator to go up. Mackenzie looked down and saw the soldiers. "Daddy we can't leave them here" Mackenzie said. Mark looked and sighed. "I know" Mark said and pressed a button for the elevator to go down. Once the elevator opened Mackenzie yelled at the soldiers. "Martinez Foster come on get in" Mackenzie yelled. Once the soldiers got in they were on their way to get outside of the building. Maddison and Emma got in there helicopter and Emma started to get the ORCA ready. "What is dad and Kenzie doing here" Maddison asked. "I don't know honey" Emma said. Mark, Mackenzie and the soldiers were running out of the Monarch building. "Mackenzie don't stop running keep going" Mark yelled. Mackenzie nodded and kept running. When Mackenzie made it to the helicopter she was held by Dr. Graham. Mackenzie looked behind her to see a three headed monster. "Monster Zero" Mackenzie whispered. Soon enough Monster Zero roared. "Daddy come on hurry" Mackenzie yelled to Mark. Mark and the soldiers started running. Once they got inside the helicopter Monster zero had cut off their access to start flying with its power. Monster Zero was coming after the helicopter when Maddison made it not attack her father and sister. She was stopped by Emma and Jonah. Monster Zero stopped trying to attack the helicopter Maddison was in and went back to the other helicopter. As Godzilla was swimming to Antarctica he felt this feeling. He felt his mate being in trouble and needed his help. Godzilla grew angry and swam faster trying to get to Mackenzie as fast as he could. Mackenzie screamed as Monster Zero tried getting to them. That is until Monster Zero looked at some where. Mackenzie looked at the screen and showed Godzilla had shown up. Mackenzie and everyone looked to see a glow of blue in the ice. Godzilla then rose up from the ice with a angry look on his face. He looked at Mackenzie in the helicopter and saw she was safe. But now he needed to kill the Titan in front of him that was trying to hurt his mate. "Everyone hang on" Foster yelled. Mackenzie held on to Dr. Chen as Monster Zero was walking to  Godzilla. The helicopter spun in circles then it stopped. Mark then got stuck. "Dad" Mackenzie said. "Kenzie just go I'll be fine" Mark yelled at her. Mackenzie ran out with Serizawa and Dr. Chen. Dr. Graham was trying to get Mark out. Godzilla then fell after Monster Zero had knocked him down. Mackenzie fell right in front of Godzilla. Godzilla looked at her and helped her up and used his snout to push Mackenzie to safety. Godzilla then roared at Monster Zero and got back up and fought Monster Zero. As Mackenzie was running with Serizawa and Dr. Chen she saw how Godzilla was using his atomic breath to push Monster Zero but it didn't work. As Mackenzie and everyone stopped running Mackenzie saw Dr. Graham get eaten by Monster Zero. She gasped and placed a hand on Serizawa shoulder. Monster Zero looked at everyone then bombs started hitting the Titan. Mackenzie looked to see the other soldiers. Mark was then flung to and knocked out after a bomb exploded in front of him. "Daddy" Mackenzie yelled. "Kenzie we will get him but get in the plane" Sam said. Mackenzie nodded and saw as soldiers took her father into the plane as she got in and they took off. She saw how Monster Zero flew away and Godzilla watched and roared at Monster Zero. Mackenzie than sighed in relief knowing she was okay and her dad was alright. Mackenzie wondered one thing 'why did her mother press the button and woke up Monster Zero? '

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