AUTHOR'S NOTES **Please Read First**

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These will be ongoing for the entire story -

Characters - Bucky Barnes/TWS, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Nick Fury, Marena Petrova (OC), Mentions of others from S.H.I.E.L.D, Hydra, etc. (such as Hill, Loki, Banner)

Pairing - Bucky/Marena

Word Count - TOTAL 40,230

Warnings - Mentions of torture, mentions of blood, mentions of killing, mentions of guns, some characters minor OOC pieces
(If you spot any other warnings I should add, please let me know so I can edit this post to include them!)

**New Chapter Posted Twice Per Week. Monday & Friday. Will Have 25 Chapters In Total**

**Any A/N from here on out will be here. I will make a note at the top of a chapter if there is any update here.

**Any Russian spoken will have the English translation in parentheses next to it. It will look like this: "Солдат! Нет! (Soldier! No!)

Now, though I speak a bit of Russian, I wrote the story in English and didn't want to translate myself, so I copy/pasted into Google Translate. SO, I apologize if any translations are off, both in 'spoken' words as well as the grammar being off. I've been working on this entire series for about three years at this point, I wasn't about to freak out over some translations. IF you speak fluent Russian, and would like to help me fix the translations, feel free to message me and I am happy to fix them! :)

**This of this as a minor AU. This is set around the year 2019 or so. The timeline between the END of Captain America: Civil War and THIS story taking place, will DEFINITELY NOT follow the Marvel timelines/storylines! (hence why I say minor AU). It will follow most of the timelines & 'cannon' up to the end of the CA: CW movie. We are pretending, for the sake of this story, that the movies/timelines from Black Panther forward never happened, so no worries about spoilers for those. The reason for this is because I started working on this story shortly after CW came out, and didn't want to change it all, as it took forever to complete.

**Though I know the Marvel characters very well, both comic book versions and MCU versions, I will fully admit that when writing this, some are a bit OOC (Natasha and Bucky/TWS far more than any other - in part because of translations, and in part because, well, I wanted it that way. It is not drastic enough though that it would cause problems for anyone, it is just a warning in place so that when you see them 'behaving out of character' you won't be surprised. Ages/dates will follow the MCU timelines, NOT the comic timelines! They are different!

**Credit where it is due: ALL scenes/dialog directly from the movies - credit to the writers/actors/directors/staff of the MCU & Marvel. *Any/All song lyrics - credit to writer/artist. *Some minor changes may have been made to each to fit the story, but credit still goes to the original writers of their content.** 

As Always Feedback is welcome! Please! And thank you!

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