Chapter 7

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*Flashback Chapter*

Walking along the paths between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument, I couldn't help but smile to myself.

All these people, oblivious to the crap that goes on around them, most of them so innocent, so - naive.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see a somewhat unexpected name across the screen.

"Что это? (What is it?)"

I smiled to myself as a few people in earshot send a sideways glance my way, reminding me how unaccustomed they are to hearing Russian spoken out loud — the language invoking a mild subconscious fear in them.

"Fury is dead. I need your help." Her voice was surprisingly calm for the news she was sharing.

"Кто...? (Who...?)"

"In person. Where are you?"

Always straight to the point. Some things never change.

"Памятники. (Monuments.)"

"Stay there. I'll find you. Give me ten minutes."

No goodbye, no nothing; just the line going dead.

I found a place to sit near the Lincoln Memorial. Quiet enough for her and I to talk but relatively close to the commotion to avoid any suspicions.

It didn't take long before I felt her body bump into mine as she sat next to me, causing me to look in her direction. Her eyes were cold. I knew what Fury meant to her.

As a shadow draped over us, I looked up to see what was causing it — finding a broad-shouldered, innocent-looking man towering over us. I couldn't help but smile up at Steve.

"He's back, Marena." Her tone was stoic, a way of saving face perhaps, but I knew my sister well enough; a mix of emotions - vulnerability, hostility, an overall sense of fear - all coursing through her at once.

I looked back at her from Steve, my features clearly showing my confusion.
"Who's back, Natalia?"

"Three slugs, no rifling, Soviet-made? And Rogers–" she glanced up at the man in front of us "–said he was fast, strong and had a metal arm." He nodded, and she focused back on me. "You know there's only one person who fits that description."

I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. Nat was right. There was only one person - one man - who fit that description.

"What do you expect me to do about it?"

"I want - I need an extra set of hands that I know I can trust."

"You have a super-soldier on your side." I nodded toward Rogers. "What more could I offer?"

"You're the only one that knows how to find him," she said flatly.

I looked between her and Steve. His eyes had widened ever so slightly while hers stayed locked on me. She was right, but the real question was, did I want to.

"Marena, please? I never ask for anything." She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Fine." I sighed. "Just, don't do–" I waved my hand in front of her face smiling "–that look again."

"Deal." She smiled in return.

"But I do this my way. Got it?"

"Within reason," she said as she stood up.

"Natalia? I'm not under S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm not under anyone. I do this my way, or I walk."

"Fine. Just don't kill anyone." She laughed as she started walking back toward her car.

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