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  " how many balls y'all got ?" I asked them as we walked in the court .

  " we all got two obviously "Dior said and I hit the back of his head . " I know that dumbass ! I'm talking about basketballs " .

  " just two " Josh handed me one of the balls . " you finna hoop in that hot ass sweater?" Bronny asked me and I shook my head .

  " hell na" I chuckled . I passed the ball to Zaire and went to the side . I took off my sweater leaving me in my sports bra and Nike boy shorts .

  My sports bra wasn't too revealing , it was like a crop top really .

  I fixed my shoes and rolled the waistband of my shorts up , something I always do .

  " Ight give me a ball !" I walked back over to them " you look like you finna beat somebody ass " Brandon shouted making them laugh .

  I squinted my eyes at him and took the ball from amari . " shoot a three bae !" Mikey yelled .

  I dribbled between my legs , stepped back and shot a clean three .

  " can you dunk though ?" Jd asked . " she's a certified dunker my nigga !" Josh smiled .

I passed the ball to Zaire letting him know to throw it up for me .

  " hollon lemme record this " Mikey and Josh said and brought out their phones .

I took a deep breath and ran up a couple inches to the rim and z threw it up .

  I caught it , moved it under my legs and dunked it .

   " ayeee!!! Stop playing with her!" They hyped me up as I dropped down .

" you thinking about going to the WNBA?" Jd asked as the boys started hooping.

"Maybe" I shrugged and put my hands on my hips . "What you gonna do if you don't ?" .

" probably change my mind about college and get a law degree " .

  " that's wassup though " he nodded and cought the ball .

  I looked over and seen Mikey on his phone so I went over to him . " what you doing ?" .

He put his phone in his pocket quickly and looked at me " nun , aye dior pass me the ball " he left me and went by him .

I rolled my eyes and went over to Bronny and Josh " we should've told reef and qir to come , I'm already bored " I pouted .

  " is shareef your bestie or am I ? Pick now " Josh glared at me .

" shareef , you have me'arah " I hit his shoulder . "Wowwww! I knew you never loved me . Bronny was my favorite anyway " .

  " nigga you said I was your favorite " Brandon came up by us .

" Josh just be lying " I laughed and shook my head . I grabbed one of the balls and dribbled around and took a couple shots .


Three hours later I was back at home . After hooping , we all went back to amari's place to sing happy birthday to his mom then I dropped everyone off at home .

  I was gonna tell skye to come over but she's leaving tomorrow to South Carolina for a couple days.

After my shower mom had called us downstairs for dinner . As I was walking down the stairs I groaned in pain , I swear I hate being sore .

  " what's you cook ? It's smells-"

" like ass , smells like straight ass" Bronny whispered in my ear making both of us laugh . " stop it !" Mom hit his shoulder .

  " it's steak , asparagus and lobster tails " . She smiled . As soon as I heard lobster tails I instantly made my plate and sat next to zhuri and dad at the table .

  " who was all at the gym today ?" Dad asked . " dior , Josh , jd , Mikey , Brandon , amari and Zaire " Bronny told him .

  " dang y'all had the whole crew ! The O'Neals didn't come ?" .

I shook my head " yeah , why didn't your bestie come Simone ?" Bronny looked at me funny making me almost choke on my food .

  " I forgot to ask him , I think they were busy anyway " I shrugged .

  " mommy can i go with Candace tomorrow?" Zhuri asked . Mom nodded her head and continued eating her food .


  " that nigga Josh has no jumper" I read . I was sitting in my car waiting for skye to come out while on live .

  " aye stop playing with my boy Josh !" I laughed . More people started joining and shareef sent a request.

  " shareef bro , you always wanna steal my live " I shook my head and accepted it as he popped up on the screen .

  " your live loves me, shut up !" He laughed making me mugg him .

" that's cap ! " I set my phone up as I seen skye walk out the house towards my car .

" 'the besties are back' , yessir ! I heard the whole gang was out hooping and didn't invite me or shaqir ?" He raised his eyebrow .

  " I don't know what you talking about .." I laughed as skye got in . " y'all look at my sis ! " I pointed the phone at her making her smile and say hey to reef .

  " where y'all fina go ?"

  " you in our business ? Don't do that!" I took off my hoodie and fixed my hair in the camera .

  " girl you my best friend, your business is my business !" It looked like he went into the kitchen .

" child anyways , we finna go ride around so ima end this " I started my car back up .

I was about to back out but as I looked to my left , a black car pulled into the driveway .

  " who's that?" I asked skye and she shrugged . It wasn't their parents because they went home right now .

" imma talk to you later reef" I grabbed my phone . He said goodbye and I ended the live .

I called Mikey and he picked up on the third ring " there's someone in your driveway with a black car.. and it's not your parents" I told him and put him on speaker .

He was quiet for a second " y-y'all still in the driveway ?" He spoke .

  " duh nigga . We was about to pull off but couldn't because we didn't know who's car that was and their windows are kind of tinted . "

  All of a sudden he hung up making us confused . I leaned to my window more and I could kind of see in it .

  I wasn't trying to be nosey, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't nobody trying to kill him or something.

" it's definitely a girl cause I see a long black ponytail, y'all cousins was coming over ?" I looked at skye and she shook her head no .

  " let me get out real quick " skye got out and went to the car and knocked on the window .

A minute later she came to my door and I rolled the window down . She looked at me like all hell was finna break lose .

  " who is it ?" I asked referring to the person in the car .

" it's-

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