Chapter 14

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"When I see something I want, I'm ruthless."

"I know, the flattery is covering the anger for . . ." suddenly my phone started ringing and in my haste to answer I dropped it. "Hello? Luke?"

"Sorry love, it's Deckard." he said and I sighed but the slice of pain was there, ever-present now.

"What happened?"

"Things didn't quite go as we planned."


"He's fine, but . . ."

"Did you get the machine?"

"Yes but it's busted." he sighed.


"Yeah, Penny, we need to get out of here. Call the get out of jail free number and ask for a ride to Samoa."

"Where?" I asked in shock.

"Hulk is going home and doesn't seem the least bit happy about it."

"I'll see you soon."

"Penelope . . ."

"I will see you soon, I have to be there for him." I said.

"Alright, soon." he said before hanging up.

He's going home and I know for a fact that it's not the place he wants to be. I don't care how mad he gets, I won't let him be alone for this. Pulling the card out of my back pocket, I dialed the number and waited.

"Air marshall Dinkley." the man said.


"Yes, who's speaking?"

"Penelope Toretto-Hobbs, you spoke to my husband on the flight to Moscow." I told him.

"Right, right, is he still looking for the third squaddie to balance the trio?" he excitedly asked.

"Sort of. We need your help, squaddie." I said, smiling at the child-like excitement in this man's voice.

"Sure, what is it? Whatever you guys need."

"A flight, from Moscow to Ukraine to Samoa. I need to get picked up, then pick up the guys in Ukraine and we're heading down to the island."

"Wow, that's . . . alright, can I call you back to this number?" he asked.

"Of course, and please Dinkley, we need it as soon as possible. The fate of the world is in your hands."

"The fate of the world." he repeated before hanging up.

"I'm guessing that's your cue. If he can't find you something let me know." Marguerite said before walking out of the room.

I waited for 45 minutes, looking at my phone every 5 before Dinkley called me back to tell me that my ride will be here in 20 minutes. He informed me it'll take 2 hours to get to the guys in Ukraine and then it's almost 20 hours to Samoa. I don't care, not even a little bit, I'm going to see my husband and we're going to save the world again.

Honestly, we were lying to ourselves when we said we were done with this life. I don't think any of us will ever willingly give this up. It's like an addiction; the adrenaline, the cars, the action, the nerves, the bullets. It's an integral part of who we are, of who I am. He was right about that part, I want to be in on the action.

While I waited for the transport, I wanted to call the girls but the time difference isn't doesn't really lend to it. Instead, I texted Deckard to get the information on what happened. His answers scared the hell out of me. He's also insisting on me not going but I'm not staying back.

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