Chapter 16

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He never mentioned anything about this before. I tried to grab his hand but he pulled away from me, I looked up at his but his eyes were trained on the doors. Things are bad, I know it but I can feel them getting worse and I don't know what to do anymore. The one thing I won't do is try to force him to be with me, after all of this is done we'll have to sit down and talk about what the next step is.

"Your dad was a car thief then?" she asked.

"Ah no, my dad actually stole everything . . . drugs, guns . . ." he said and I was feeling slightly resentful, he never opened up about this to me.

"Sounds just like my family." I said.

"Mine too." Hattie sighed.

"Mama raised us till we were teenagers, then my old man started coming around again, taking a real interest in his sons. Truth is, he was just looking for a new crew and I was the only one to see through those lies. So the jobs my dad pulled me and my brother's into just got bigger and more dangerous. Then eventually, he knew and he was okay with getting me and my brothers killed. So I turned him in." he admitted and I just stared at him.

"Or you protected your family." Hattie said and that's when I realized that I was no part of whatever conversation it is that these two have going on.

They're in their own little world and I'm just witnessing it from the outside. It sucks to watch your husband open up to another woman about things he'd never talk to you about . . . in your face. Why did he never tell me any of this? Why is it so easy for him to open up to her? We have been together for so long now and he never talks to me about his family. I hate the resentment growing inside of me towards both of them but I can't help it and at this point, I don't know if I want to.

"So after I put him away . . . I left Samoa and I never came back." Luke said.

"You came to us, it brought you to Sam and Lani and baby." I told him and he turned to smile at me.

"My babies are the best thing that ever happened to me." he said and the knife dug a little deeper in my heart.

"Well, at least one good thing came out of me jamming that thing into my hand." she told him.

"Yeah, what's that?" I asked.

"Got go bring you home, didn't I?" she smiled, looking at my husband.

"Lucky me." Luke sighed as Jonah appeared in front of us.

The doors opened into my own version of heaven. Cars, bikes, sexy machines, toys, everywhere. Jonah looked at me and I plastered a smile on my face but I could tell that he could see right through it. I just don't want the attention, we've got a job to do and I want to get out of here. Watching them happen right in front of me isn't something that I really want to be a witness to.

"You went legit?" Luke asked his brother.

"Yeah, 100% clean now. Custom shop, international clients. See, those bikes going to Tokyo, those to Macau . . . New York. That one over there's going to London." Jonah said as he pointed vehicles out to us. "Turns out, people like our stuff. I needed to do something to hold our family together . . . after you abandoned us." he finished before walking away and I followed him.

"Hey good news, change of clothes. Hatts . . . Penny . . . hey, your mum said you might like to wear this. Must be your favorite size . . . spray on." Deckard said as he handed out the articles of clothing.

"Why don't you throw on another jacket, it's 110 degrees out here." Luke argued.

"Hey look, down to business. Got any weapons?" Deckard asked.

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