Chapter 17

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A/N: The request for a second upload was so massive today that I HAD to oblige! I hope you all enjoy.

After dinner we all went back to the garage to finish everything up. Luke, Deckard, Jonah, and all of the many cousins argued my being present during any of the action so we came to a happy if not majorly testosterone influenced decision. They've set up a snipers nest for me to take some kill shots. Hopefully with all of the mess going on, no one will notice the lonely, pregnant woman shooting at people from on top of one of the many garages.

"Jonah?" Luke asked for the millionth time sometime after 1am.

"Don't rush me." Jonah replied.

"It's almost dawn, they'll be here soon. Make it happen now. Now!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't rush me. That's how mistakes are made." Jonah argue.d

"And how long does this process take?" one of the cousins, I think his name is Kal, asked.

"It's 30 minutes and only 33 till I go viral. Look, Deck, I think we need to seriously consider option one." Hattie said.

"I'll do it if you're not willing to." I told her brother, making them all look at me in shock so I just smiled. "Both of you are too punk to do it anyway."

"Pregnancy hormones." Luke said.

"I wouldn't bet on it. Don't strike a match just yet, Hatts. We are seriously gonna miss this window. Let's do this, come on!" Deckard said.

"Jonah now!" Luke ordered.

"Fine, fine! Okay, here goes . . . nothing." the man said.

"Brace yourself, Hatts." Deckard said as Hattie put the damn thing on her arm.

"It ain't gonna be pleasant." Luke muttered.

"No, it's gonna be . . . God!" she groaned when the thing latched onto her arm and injected all of the needles.

"There's always the little pleasures in life." I muttered, making Jonah choke on his own laughter.

"It's working . . . it's working!" Jonah happily stated after regaining his composure and all of the guys started shouting.

It's just around 3am now and I'm running on pure adrenaline and good Samoan food. I missed this family life and that makes me a little sad. My girls are everything to me, I love them with everything I have in me, but this . . . I love this too. The time is coming for me to actually give this up and I don't know if I can.

"Hey! They triggered the alarm." one of the many cousins stated.

"That's him." Deckard and I said.

"As we planned?" Luke asked, looking between Deckard and I.

"As we planned." Deckard replied.

"As you planned." I said, turning away.

"Penny . . ."

"I'm not to leave the nest, I know." I told my husband when he pulled my arm.

"Be careful and watch your six." he said, softly cradling my face in his hands.

"I will, I always do." I sighed, suddenly exhausted, just emotionally exhausted.

He lowered his head and before his lips could touch mine I turned my face, his lips grazing my cheek. The confused look on his face made me want to punch him but this isn't the time for jealous Penny. No, right now we have a goal, and that's to get rid of this sumbitch.

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