Chapter 2

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When I got home his bike was sitting in front of the garage. The hose was out, a bucket, rag, soap, it's wash day.

"Hey, lo'u alofa. Want me to wash yours?" he asked when he walked outside, shirtless and in a pair of cutoff shorts. I don't know how I find him sexier as the years pass but my husband is a whole ass MEAL!

"I uh . . ."

"Penelope Hobbs, if you keep looking at me like that I'm not about to wash anything." he growled, wrapping his arm around my waist to pull me against his chest.

"What do you expect when you're out here looking like a whole meal?" I asked, smiling into the kiss he pressed on my lips.

"You're one to talk, out here in the pretty sundress with your hair all loose. Mmm, let me make that next baby." he said, nuzzling my neck.

"Luke . . . behave, we're outside." I replied.

"Come on baby, let me plant a baby in you. Make you my woman all over again." he said as he picked me up.

"Looks like I'm not getting much of a choice in the matter." I said, kissing his neck when he grabbed my ass to hold me up.

"Nope, the bike can wait for later . . . ah, I knew this comfy ass sofa would serve some use at some point." he said, dropping onto the sofa in his office.

"Amor, mi vida, your daughter's nap here." I sighed, rolling my head to the side when he started to kiss there.

"We can flip the cover or wash the cushions. I . . . you know what I mean." he growled.

"Baby, there's no zipper . . . you gotta pull it off." I told him.

"Mmm, unwrapping my present."

He had me on the small sofa, his desk, the kitchen counter, and somehow we reached the laundry room so he had me on top of the washing machine too. That was an experience unlike any other. When we finished that fourth time, both of us went to take a shower and I told him that I was gonna take a nap since Lani kept me up all night with nightmares. It's not a total lie but I want him to go back to washing his bike and my car so I can take the damn test.

"You sure you're okay, babe? You do look a little tired, you coming down with something?" he worriedly asked.

"I'm tired, that much is true."

"Penny, you should've woke me up to stay with Lani." he sighed, brushing his fingers over my cheek.

"It wasn't that bad, she's been having these nightmares the past few nights."

"Alright, you take a nap, get some rest and I'll get the girls and take care of dinner." he said, picking me up bridal style and walking me to the bed.

"You don't have to do that. I'll be . . ."

"Fine. Woman, I know you're fine. Fine as hell, but let me take care of things tonight." he told me, leaning over to kiss me.

"Luke, you gonna take care of me, daddy?" I smiled, moving my finger down his chest.

"Penelope Hobbs . . ." he groaned.

"You said you want to take care of me." I whispered against his lips, untying the drawstring on his shorts.

"Fuck it, I'll wash the bike tomorrow. Get comfy baby, daddy's gonna take care of you real good." he smirked, hopping onto the bed on top of me.

These are the days that I live for. Having my insatiable husband in bed with me all day, getting up and ready for my girls. Sam gets dropped off by the bus and I've gotta pick up Lani, which Luke insisted on doing.

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