Let's take it back to the beginning

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A/N: So I decided to rewrite the first chapter of this book. I'm not rewriting the whole book because I think a lot of the comedy comes from the mistakes.  I want you guys to comment bellow which chapters you would really like to be expanded  and rewritten. I will rewrite 2 of the most requested.

Saiki Kusou has always been a kid wanting to be average. But it seems like he is a magnet to the weird and strange. What can you do when you are a psychic?

Saving the world and the people sadly living in it is all in job description. Sadly for Saiki there's one detail that he failed to remember.

Saiki Kusou can get pregnant. How does he know this? He is currently pregnant with his friends baby.

Saiki Pov

Thank you narrator but I will take it from here. It all started after the cultural festival. Our group was going to a restaurant for an after festival  celebration. I, of course, didn't want to attend but two persistent friends of mine dragged me along. 

"Saiki come on get loose a live a little" Kaidou said coming over towards me. 'Maybe I can get Saiki to dance with me', Kaidou thought loud and clear.

 It's not that I don't like Kaidou. It's more of a don't want to be bothered with a relationship problem. I looked blankly at Kaidou and nodded. It couldn't hurt to indulge in Kaidou's wants.

After a few minutes of dancing I could hear the thoughts of an angry Teruhashi. 'How dare that little brat dance with Saiki , no way he could actually like him over me,  the perfect girl.'.

 I don't understand why she likes me. At some point I would think she would give up.  I would hate to think it's her pride but her thoughts dont lie.

 Yare yare, she is coming this way.

"Saiki would you mind having a dance with me" she asked all innocent like. 

My immediate answer would be a no but to say no would anger her fans and I'm not in the mood for witness protection. I was about to answer when Kaidou intervine.

"Teruhashi ,Saiki is dancing with me so he can't dance with you" Kaidou said confidently but his thoughts say otherwise. 'How could I do this' was one of many. 

Teruhashi looked at him then pulled a sniffle. She seriously going to fake cry? How pathetic.

 "Why are you so mean to me Kaidou. All I asked was to give Saiki a dance! Why must you be so heartless." she said.

As expected, the crowd erupted in angry protest. I didn't imagine my night to devolve into a mob chase. I could have just teleported but something in me didn't want to leave Kaidou to be killed.

We ended staying at Kaidou's place until the heat dies down. His mother and his siblings were out visiting his grandmother leaving the house empty.

"Sorry for the mess, wasn't expecting company." Kaidou says pushing aside his comic books under his bed.

'It's fine.'

Kaidou motioned me to sit on his bed with a grin. Such a stupid grin. A stupid cute grin. It's not bad to call someone's grin cute. If you think it's bad then you are the one with the issue.

"Sorry for getting us ran out of the restaurant."

'No, it is fine. I should thank you. I didn't want to dance with Teruhashi. '

'I wanted to dance with you.'

Kaidou face flashed a bright pink. Did I project that out loud? That stupid grin was back.

"Saiki, you're pink!".

Good grief, I just wanted to teleport away.

Kaidou perked up and reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out a flask sized bottle of alchohol. 

"Saiki, you want some of this?".

'Why do you have that' 

"When we got run out of the party, I swiped it before we exited the building " Kaidou said and opened the bottle.

 I was curious to how alcohol would react to me. It was one of the few things my mother is strict on. I will just chalk this up as teenage rebellion. 

Soon the bottle was empty and I felt so warm. It made me forget that Kaidou was on top of me. Not forget. Wanted. I wanted this to happen. I wanted for Kaidou to have his way with me. But Kaidou, he's freaking out.

Despite his intoxicated state, he too saw the way I wrapped my arms around him. Bringing him close to his body. 

'Does Saiki really want to...No, I'm imagining things. But he's muttering my name. '

I flipped us over with ease. Kaidou's worried eyes soon soften as I ran a hand down his chest. 

'Please Kaidou. Save me Jet Blackwing.".

I'm not going to go into more detail. Turns out that alcohol makes me really horny. I just hope my brother doesn't find that out. Who knows what sick thoughts would run through his head.

When I woke up it was still dark out. I felt fine as usual except for a stinging pain in my back. As I take in my surroundings I realized  that I was in Kaidou's room. I must of slept over that night I originally thought. However, once I took of the sheet I saw that not to be the case. I glance over to the other side of the bed to see Kaidou sleeping. 

This is going to be awkward later.

 I quickly put on my clothes and scribbles  a note. Better leave before he wakes up. Having sex with  Kaidou wasn't a bad thing. I enjoyed it for the most part. It doesn't matter anyway, I could just erase his mind and that would be the end of it. It's not like anything  bad is going to happen.

The bad happened.

It was a month later since the incident. Kaidou has been acting strange around me. I decided against erasing his memory. He wasn't causing too much trouble. Actually, we have never discussed it. It would seem like he didn't care if you wasn't a psychic like me. 

His thoughts are comprised of me most of the time. He's thought of confronting me but keeps deciding against it. What a shame. 

Another thing has happened during this month. I have been feeling strange. Stranger than usual. There has been weird fluxes with my powers. They seemed to have grown weaker as the weeks progressed. Nausea has also been an occurrence and soreness around my torso.

 I have never been sick before so it is alarming when I have to teleport to the bathroom each morning. That is if I don't end up half way across the world. 

I need to get this checked out but I can't go to a doctor for obvious reasons. There is my brother but I don't want anything to do with him. But he may be the only help I will ever get.

"My dear brother it seems here I'm going to be an uncle soon" Kusuke said with his normal smile. 

What is he talking about I can't have a kid!

"You may be wondering how is this possible. It seems like your  reproductive organs have been reactivated. It is strange though. I thought your abilities could have prevented this." he said pointing to the image. 

This cannot be happening. It shouldn't be. 

"Another thing, my darling Kusou. I suggest you start knitting because it seems like due to your abilities the baby will be coming in about half the normal time.  I can predict it will take another four months before you have this baby"

Out of all the things that happens to me, why must the universe choose to give me a baby. 

A baby by Kaidou.

Sometimes it's bad to be a psychic.

Saiki K : Baby TroublesWhere stories live. Discover now