Lost P4

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"Saiki I have something to ask you" Hairo said sitting in the sand next to me as I fed Fumi.

'what is it'

"How did you suspected that you were pregnant" he asked not making eye contact.

I wasn't surprised since I knew . It is pretty obvious when you look at the morning sickness, the bigger appetite and most obvious of them all he out grew his normal school shirt which I found out when he came to my house wearing sleeves.

'you just know basically' I decided to leave him find out on his own. I rather not be the one to give him the shock that he is carrying Nendou's child.

Hairo hung his head a little. "Saiki I think I am but well I am not really use to feeling scared but I am" 

'if you are scared of hav-'

"No that is not it, I want to have my baby and I know it is Nendou's but I k ow Nendou would be the best father this child would have but I'm scared of what others would think" his voice lost it's strength." People expect me to be a tennis player and they would judge me for the rest of my life for giving up. People look up to me and I'm scared that I am letting them down."

'you are not giving up Hairi or letting anyone down by keeping your baby, you are stronger than any if them tell you otherwise. So believe Hairo you will be someone that people would look up too and most of all your children will."

"Thank you " he said and before he could say anything  else he was interrupted by a boat horn.

It seemed help did come. 


It was great to be back home in a bed. Not so great to find out Kusuke is staying here for some reason.

"Kusuo I have news for you" Kusuke said and I sighed. Can't get any rest when he is around.

Kusuke ripped off his shirt revealing a decent sized bump already. "I beat you finally I got pregnant with quadruples"

'who is crazy enough to knock you up'

"You may be wondering who the father is well"

"It's me" Makoto said coming .

'how I'm not surprised'

"Anyting to say to the fact I took your brother away as you turn my sister away"

' yes take him and leave my room'


I walked into the the nursery to check on the babies when I saw Shun holding a sleeping Shyo. 

"Shyo I know I'm not perfect or have crazy powers like your mama does but I will be the best I can be okay" he whispered kissing the top of his head placing him in the crib.

'That was touching' 

Shun jumped slightly before looking back at me. "You scared me Kusuo" he said approching me.

''sorry' I said and Shun leaned in kissing me. It was soft and filled with love.

"Thank you for everything"

'Thank you for loving me'

Saiki K : Baby TroublesWhere stories live. Discover now