Dating the Idiot

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Hairo prepares to date Nendou

Hairo has never felt nervous in his entire life. He has don't almost every sporting event in the school.and has shown his bum multiple occasions yet this makes him feel, scared. 

Hairo at lunch was with Kaidou ,Saiki and of course Nendou . Kaidou still doesn't understand how he likes Nendou. He isn't just an idiot he is a very careful person who really cares for his friends and he isn't bad looking just intimdating to some.

It seemed that Saiki and Kaidou and already started thier planby sitting at the end of the bench boxing Hairo and Nendou together in the corner.

Hairo had a light blush on his cheek as Nendou's body presses against his. 

"Eh Nendou me and Saiki have to go do something we will be right back " Kaidou says as they both got up.

"Okay budies" Nendou says unaware of what they are trying to do.

Hairo sits awkwardly next to Nendou . Nedou  didn't seem to pay attention towards him. 

Hairo didn't know what to do , maybe he could do what he saw some students do on dates.

Hairo took his hand placed it on Nendou's leg. Hairo rubs up and down his thigh. Hairo continued but Nendou didn't give much a reaction. Hairo pulled his hand away but it was grabbed by Nendou.

Nendou hand wasn't hard and gorrila like it was more soft and caring. 

"Why you stop" he questioned . "Can you do that again but high up"

Hairo looked wide eyed. When did Nendou voice made him feel this way. 

Hairo places his hand back on Nendou's thigh rubbing it up until he was basically rubbing is crotch. Nendou was very hard and big.

'my rival has beaten me in that department as well' Hairo thinks ' wonder if it would fit'

Hairo snaps out his thoughts when he felt and hand goes to bum. 

"Nendou , let's take this to the bathroom" Hairo said and Nendou grabbed his hand taking him into the bathroom.

Nendou pushed Hairo up against the wall and kissed him deeply as his other hand pulls off his pants.

Hairo is stunned as the voice in the back of his head has said. 'your rival has beaten you' but it was more to how good Nendou is.

Nendou hand soon went and dropped his pants. He took his fingers and brought them to his mouth.

"No way I can do without it" Hairo said and turned around. 'Fuck I cant belive i said that, he will never want me now'

"Well okay dude if that's what you want" Nendou said and insert two fingers into him with some trouble but he succeeded. Hairo would be lying if he said that it didn't hurt. Nendou was gentle though as he streches Hairo out enough . As Nendou was about to thrust in him Hairo shouts. "Wait! Nendou use this" he said throwing him a small hand bag sized lotion. 

'it is admitting defeat but I don't want my bum to be ripped up.'

Nendou looks at and uses it. When he finished he thrusts slowly into him. Hairo grips the wall imand biting his tongue from yelling. 

As Nendou was about to start thrusting the bathroom door opened.

"Hey guys you two in-" Kaidou was cut off by the sight. The look ok Nendou's face made Kaidou pale and back out quickly.


Later after that happened Nendou was carrying Hairo home to his protest to being carried. Hairo swears he can walk but every step he takes his legs give out.  As they reached Hairo's house Nendou placed him down.

"Thank you, I had fun" Hairo says.

"Yeah it was fun to hang with my boyfriend buddy" he says and Hairo eyes widened and then he smiled.

Before he could say something to men come out the door. 

"Oh my god my baby has a boyfriend" the taller one said clinging to Hairo.

"When were we going to meet him Hairo" the shorter one said "pretty tall and scary in the face " 

" Oh these your folks dude they look awesome." Nendou said.

"Oh my name is Rei and this is my husband Ida" the taller on said .

"Nendou's my name" 

"You have to come for dinner sometime we will love to get to know the man that got my son out the closet" Ida said 

"Dad why!" He said felling utterly embarrassed. "Aw my little Harifox embarrassed Ida get the camera" Rei said and Hairo turned deep red.

"HariFox?" Nendou said "I like it"

"He has that nickname from since forever" Rei said . 

"Well I have to go" Nedou says 

"Bye come again soon"


"Now Hairo now that you have a boyfriend we think it's time tell you about safe sex" Rei said sitting next to him.

"I think I understand use condoms and stuff like that" Hairo said

"And also we should put you on birth control for the time being "  Ida said. 

Hairo's parents stood up and started up the stairs . Ida stopped and told Hairo,

"I picked up some pads for you to wear for the race there on your bed" he says before going back up stairs.

"Thanks Dad"

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