Finding Out

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Aiura Mikoto knew something was definitely up with Saiki. She could just feel it in the air. Reita hasn't been much help in finding out what is going one either. But there is nothing this fortune teller can't find.


 ''Saiki we need to talk" Airura said bursting in the classroom bounding up to the pink haired male. Saiki gave an expressionless look.

'what is Aiura' he asked . He knew that she had a hunch of what was going on. Not like he didn't mind her knowing but wanted to see if her powers can deduce it.

"Your aura has gotten bigger and I have notice it has must have tripled or something and when I try looking in your future my.ball breaks or something happens" Airua said  

Saiki watched her and raised his eyebrow ' do you have an answer to this ' he said.

"Are you Saiki , if my methods are correct ,which they always are, Pregnant" she said "and I better be made a godparent if you know what's good"

Saiki froze. He did not think she would be so blunt about it but luckily no one was around to heard it. So he thought. 

"May I ask you to repeat I think I miss heard what you just said" Metori said coming from behind Aiura. 

' well if it is true what it is to you' Saiki replied and Metori just smirked. "Nothing at all just congradulations are in order" 

"Congradulations for what" Kuboyasu said walking up to them. "Oh didn't you hear Saiki is having a baby" Metori said and Kuboyasu eyes widened. 

"Really why didn't you tell us " Kuboyasu asked.

"Tell us what " Nendou said . "Saiki's Pregnant" Aiura' filled him in.

"Nice going pal. My best buddy gonna be a mommy" Nendou said petting his shoulder.

"What is going on here " Kaidou asked approaching them. "Didn't you know Saiki here is pregnant" Nendou said and Kaidou paled.

"What wrong with Kaidou" Kuboyasu asked and Saiki sighs  bringing attention to him. 'Kaidou is the father'

A huge up roar broke mixed with congradulations and threats. In the end Nendou broke to ask a question

"Has anyone seen Hairo"


Hairo clutches the toilet bowl in the boys bathroom. He would hate to have someone look at him like this. His stomach still chruned uneasily as he rubbed it. It wasn't as hard with muscle as before but slightly softer . Hairo sighs . Whatever bug he cought he hoped it will go away soon.

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