Fire is a dangerous thing

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Fire is a dangerous thing

Chapter Text

Saiki was now in the middle of his third month of his pregnacy and he was pretty huge. There was no hiding the bump he has gained so he has began taking class online. His powers has been all over the place not even his controlling device can help. It also puts a toll on his body to use them. 

On another note Kaidou has been hanging around more along with the others except for Hairo who has been feeling sick for awhile and doesn't want to risk infecting him even though he is immuned . He has to look into that.

Sometimes Saiki enjoyed having the babies in him but with the constant back ache and werid cravings it kinda is a trouble.  Kaidou does massages his back for him and sometimes sleepover at his place to help with his strange cravings.

His parents seem to be very excited for the babies as they have been going shopping for baby clothes since he told them. They already have a room for them and furniture so I can say they are all set for when they come.


Saiki was sitting on his bed eating some cake Kaidou bought him earlier when a vision hit him. It was a smiled filled house and a young boy scream. He snapped out of it . They are usually clear but now they are blurry and he couldn't see the house or the person.  

Saiki got up ,with some trouble , and walked downstairs . His parents weren't home it seemed. He had to find out what that vision ment.

"KUSUO" Kaidou said jumping from behind the couch suddenly. "Oh sorry to scare you" Kaidou said embrassed seeing Saiki's expression.

' it is okay it was not your fault' he said  rubbing his eyes.

"Oh what is wrong" Kaidou asks with worry in his voice.

' just a werid vision' he said before smelling something. ' do you smell smoke' 

Kaidou and Saiki go outside to see a house on fire. Not just any house, Yuuta's house. There were people outside surrounding it and the fire fighters weren't there yet. The fire was spreading fast. The fire truck will not make it in time. 

Saiki was faced in a wall. He can't stop the fire he might cause it to get worse. He can't go into the fire without risking his babies well being. He can't do anything.

Yuuta's familiar scream is heard from inside the burning house. Saiki didn't even see Kaidou move until he was pushing pass people an running into the burning building. Saiki has never felt this feeling before. It hurt and caused his heart to ache. Was this worry?

It was not long before Kaidou reemerged coverd in ask with a crying ash covered Yuuta. Kaidou got Yuuta to an ambulance that has arrived . Suddenly the house collapsed completely as the fire fighters finally came. 

Saiki ran over to Kaidou who was being checked over by paramedics. 

'What we're you thinking Shun' Saiki said 'you could of died'

Kaidou gave a weak smile "where there is some in need of saving Jet Black Wing is there"

Saiki let out a sigh and looked over at the crying boy with an oxygen mask on. He lost his mother in the fire. It is really hard on him.

Saiki gave Kaidou and quick kiss on the cheek before heading to Yuuta. Yuuta's cries turned into sniffles as he came. "Cyborg Cider man number 2 you came" Yuuta said looking at him with glassy eyes. 

'yes I did' he said and Yuuta threw his arms around Saiki crying into him and all Saiki could do was pet his head softly and place a kiss on the crying boys forehead.

'it is going to be okay kid.' he said

'I am here'

Saiki K : Baby TroublesWhere stories live. Discover now