55th Birthday Party

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| 8:30 AM | March 31 | Monday |

"Hey babe did you pay this month's rent yet?"

"Not yet I still have to go to the post office to drop off a package and then I will do it afterwards." I responded

"Okay don't forget then, remember last time?" he chuckled

"God you will never let me forget that ONE time." I laughed

"Ok well I have to get to work, I will see you later." he gave me a kiss on the forehead

"Bye, love you Xavier." I kissed him back and closed the door behind him leaving just myself in the apartment.

It's been 6 years you know...

My life is different, so much more different and I am so happy.

After that day I completely hit rock bottom. I drank to guzzle away all my pain. I dabbled into drugs but not enough to get hooked, thankfully.

I took a leap of faith and decided to move to Chicago. I got help, therapy, self care, the whole 8 miles.

I met Xavier, my love. He keeps me safe, he understands me, he cares for me, he loves me and i love him.

I graduated from college and took a job not too far from where I live. I meet so many new people here and I wouldn't trade this new chapter in my life for anything.

The day after the event my relationship with Jack was completely gone, or at least that's what I thought. It had been 2 years before I decided to reach out to him again. I still never told him what had happened that entire week, all I ever told him was about Damion and NOTHING more. I told Jack that I missed our friendship and that i was getting help and I would understand if he never wanted to talk to me again after all the lies i had told him before. He told me he misses me too and was glad that I decided to reach out to him again. Now that we are on good terms we talk almost every single day just like old times. The only difference is that he still lives in Pennsylvania and I'm here. But that's okay.

I grabbed my keys, bag, and package that I needed to send out. I headed out the apartment and walked down to the parking garage in my car. I put the key in the ignition and instantly turned on some tunes. (Song PLAYS)

I still think about him.

I never forgot him.

I remembered that kiss.

I replay everything that happened almost everyday in my head.

*ringtone goes off*

I answered the call, "Hello?"

"Hi honey!" it was my mom

"Hey ma what's up?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I plan on throwing your father a big birthday party this year, you know he's turning 55."

"A party? Isn't his birthday in like a month. Why are you planning this now?"

"Well I was hoping to make it a surprise and I want you and Xavier to come fly into New Jersey and celebrate with us." she said excitingly

"Wow, this is really going to be some big bash huh?"

"Well you know your father doesn't like big parties but I think he deserves it. I want to invite the family and all his friends. Oh it will be such an amazing time! So do you think you can fly in maybe around the 12th?"

"I don't know mom, you know I would love to go but Xavier has his job and the design firm is really kicking my ass about this big project coming up... but I will think about it okay? I promise."

"Alright sweetie, well I have to let you go and let me know what happens."

"Sure, love you."

"Love you too." she responded before ending the call

Wow, a big party that my MOM is planning. I love that woman but let me tell you she does not have a single scene of planning or organization. And of course I want to go, believe me I haven't seen my parents in forever. They were really supportive when I was getting myself clean, and when I wanted to move here, and when they met Xavier. They're great. But work has really been a stress and Xavier and I are just trying to make ends meet paying the bills.

I had to think of something so I could be there. It would mean the world to them and quite honestly I could use a small vacation from work.

| 6:00 PM | March 31 | Monday |

"Hey babe I'm home!" Xavier shouts from the entrance of the apartment.

"Kitchen!" I responded

"Something smells good, what are you cooking tonight?" Xavier asks as he wraps his arms around me

"Nothing special, just chicken and pasta with salad."

"Anything you make is special to me." he kissed my forehead while unwrapping his arms from my waist.

"How was work today?" I asked

"Meh you know how it is. Some guy called and asked the dumbest question and I literally wanted to reach through the screen and bang him on the head. I swear people sometimes." he grunted.

"Tell me about it, i know how it is. Dinner is almost ready, can you set the table while I finish up."

"Yes my dear." he said in a cocky tone

"Uhh... I have been meaning to tell you today but my mom called." I said

"Oh yeah? What about?" Xavier asked while placing the plates on the table

"She told me this morning that she was planning a huge birthday party for my dad and that it was going to be a surprise for his 55th."

"Wow really?"

"Yeah but she told me that she wants us to fly over to go to the party." I said hesitantly

"That's great! Maybe I can ask for a few days off and we can make a small trip out of it!" He was so excited about the idea. Xavier got along so well with my parents that I knew convincing him to go wouldn't be an issue, it's how we can get there.

"Yeah i think it would be great but i just don't know if we can." I said with a frown

"What do you mean? We paid the bills for... you paid the bills right?"

I smiled, "yes, yes I paid the bills."

He continued, " I still have vacation days I haven't used, I'm sure you can ask for a few days too. I mean what's the problem?" he questioned

" I don't know, do you think we can afford the tickets and to miss a few days off work." I questioned.

"You're being ridiculous, it sounds like you don't want to go."

"What! No of course I want to go. I just want to make sure that this is something we can afford right now you know?" I said while placing the food on the table.

"Sky don't worry, a few days is no harm, trust me. Now let's eat this amazing food, I'm starving!" he said while immediately serving his plate.

Maybe there was a small part of me that did not want to go. Not because i didn't want to see my parents but from the underlying fear that HE might be there. 

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