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 "What the fuck!", I heard Eric whisper. I was standing behind his back and I gasped. He used a bad word. But he did not seem to hear me. I frowned and peeked over his shoulder but he was so tall. I ducked under his arm and entered the room. 

What I saw blew my mind!

The whole room was decorated with flowers and fairy lights. It was fairly dark but bright enough to see things. Petals adorned the bed in a heart shape and above the headboard, on the wall, was a sign that read, 'Newly Wed' in cursive. I blushed looking at this and heard a groan behind me. I turned to see an angry Eric, glaring at everything in this room, except me.

"I told those fucking idiots to not do these shits. But do they listen? No", he gritted out and looked at me. He looked at me expectantly and I turned, flopped onto the bed, "This is so amazing and beautiful"

I giggled as the petals flew from my weight and landed on my face. I was in my own bubble to even notice Eric smiling at me. 

"So beautiful," his voice snapped me out and I got up, feeling embarrassed. I literally behaved like a child in front of him. I cleared my throat and blushed looking down. He walked closer and stretched his hand out. My breath hitched when he brought his hand back.

"There was a petal in your hair. Anyway, it is impossible to clean this up at this time. So, is it okay if we go to sleep like this? The maids will clean it up in the morning.", he scratched the nape of his neck, awkwardly.

"I'd love to. It is so beautiful and sweet of them to prepare this for us", I smiled. 

"Well, I've got some work to do. You can get changed here. And if you need anything, I'll be right down the hall, in my office.", he smiled.

I nodded and he swiftly left the room. I twirled around giggling and pulled my suitcases inside. I fished out my pyjamas and laid it on the bed. I twisted my arm back and tried to reach the zip. I looked at the mirror and tried again but in vain. I huffed and sat on the bed glaring at my dress. I looked around the room and my gaze fell on a bag that didn't seem mine. I pulled it onto the bed and opened the zip.

My eyes widened on seeing the things inside. They were clothes but barely. There were satin night gowns, panties and bras but all were out of lace. I saw a couple of bikinis too. I was confused as I did not own these. I pulled out a small note and it read:

'Well, congratulations on marriage. This is a gift from your grandma and I. We went shopping for you. Enjoy your wedding night. Love, Catherine'

They did this!? I couldn't fathom what would Eric think......I held up a lace and examined it. 

The door opened suddenly and I shrieked. I turned around to see Eric staring at me and then at my hand. I heaved out a sigh catching my breath but it turned erratic on realizing something. I had the lace panties in my hand giving him a good view. I tucked it inside the bag, strapping it close along with the note. My face heated and I felt so stupid.

Eric gulped and cleared his throat. "Uh..umm.....I just came to...tell you th-that you need not unpack. The maids will fill your closet tomorrow. So...."

I nodded and he turned to leave, when I suddenly shouted. "Wait.....Umm...can you w-with the zip? I can't reach.."

I bit my lip when he walked closer. I turned around and felt him standing close to me. His breath tickled my ear while his fingertips grazed my skin. My breathing became faster and I could hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears. His fingers found the zip and he tugged it down ever so slowly. I heard him take a deep breath and I blushed when I saw his hands snaking around my front resting on my waist.  

I felt something in my throat begging to be let out. I bit my lip to avoid any sounds and my hands clutched the dress on my chest from falling. Once the zip was all the way down, I turned to thank him but he pulled me close by my waist. I gasped and looked up to see him staring down. His eyes were a dark green and he had some flecks around them. 

I was mesmerized by them to see him staring at me with some emotion, I couldn't quite decipher. I felt my dry lips and my tongue darted out to wet them. His gaze fell on my lips for a split second before returning to my eyes. The closeness was surprisingly comfortable and I felt funny. He gulped and closed his eyes before opening them. I bit my lip and stared at him when he suddenly muttered, "Fuck it". 

And his lips crashed onto mine. 

Electricity shot throughout my body and I gasped. His lips were warm, soft and wet. This was my first kiss and my brain was freaking out. I didn't even know how to kiss properly. I was stunned keeping my mouth shut. He continued kissing me getting a little irritated. I felt my stomach lurch and my body felt hot.

He ripped himself away from me, growling a little. "Why aren't you kissing me back?"

I looked down feeling ashamed. He was my husband and I couldn't even give him a kiss properly. I clenched the dress in my fist and gulped. "I don't know how", I replied in a small meek voice. 

God, please let the ground swallow me up!

I felt my ears turn pink from the embarrassment and I shyly looked up at him. His eyes softened and held adoration. He smiled bending down to my ear. He chuckled and it sent shivers down my spine. Again I felt that feeling in my throat. I couldn't keep it in and it irked me.

Finally, a sound ripped from my throat and I closed my eyes. My hand flew to my mouth and my eyes widened, feeling Eric stiffen. His grip on my waist got a tad bit tighter. I couldn't believe that sound was from me. It didn't sound gross but not pleasant either. I didn't even know what it was.

"What was that...?", I whispered and Eric seemed amused.
"You don't know what that is?", he questioned and I shook my head again. "It's called a moan, sweetheart. Don't worry, it's completely normal and it happens"

I blinked and replied, "Oh", blushing at his endearment.

"Now about that kiss. Your lips are too sweet to let go. Just follow my lead and move your lips against mine. You will know what to do", he whispered and captured my lips once again. 

It felt incredible when I moved my lips. I was kissing this man! My husband! I gripped his shirt in one hand and the other was securing my dress from falling. My straps fell from my shoulders already. He pulled me even closer and his teeth tugged at my lower lip. Another moan escaped me and I wanted more. This feeling was very new to me. It felt so good, so right. He was getting faster with every passing second, pulling me even closer, if possible. 

I loved the way my body was pressed against him. I was afraid I was going to sin thinking about all the forbidden activities.  

I felt my lungs burn in need of air so I gently pushed myself back. Both of us were speechless and panting. He placed his forehead against mine.

"That was amazing, sweetheart", he chuckled.
"Well, that was my first kiss", I whispered, feeling ecstatic. 
"Now if you don't want me to lose my control and take you right here, I suggest you get changed", his voice was a bit strained.
"Take me? Where?", I frowned in confusion.

He let out a huge breath and smiled, "Just get changed into comfortable clothes"

I nodded and saw him walking out of the room. I clearly heard him mutter,  "So innocent" under his breath. I closed the door and changed into my pyjamas. I pulled all the pins from my hair and combed it. I washed my face and stood in front of the mirror. My fingers found my lips, tracing them. I could still feel him on my lips and it was tingly. I smiled and headed to bed.

I was at heaven when my back hit the soft mattress. It was like a cloud and I fell asleep with my first kiss in my mind.

His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Where stories live. Discover now