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My head throbbed as I came to consciousness. I sat up from my position only to get pain all over my body. I rubbed my eyes, looking around. I didn't even know where this place was!
Tears welled up in my eyes as my mind drifted off to Ryan.

Was he safe?
Did Eric know everything?
How am I going to get out?

I looked around the place and it smelled damp and wet. The paint was peeling off while green, mushy thing covered the corners. I heard a door open and looked to see Ben entering.

"Hello, love. Slept well?", he smiled wickedly.

I did not speak as I was busy glaring at him. To be honest, I was shaking from the inside but never show weakness to an enemy.

"Why am I here?", I asked not bothering to answer him.

"Hmm, well....let me think....that's because you belong to us. We only claimed what was ours", he replied as if nothing was wrong.
"NO, you don't. You are talking as if I am a possession that you bought with money", I gritted.

"You are honey! We bought you for twenty millions!!!", he exclaimed happily.

I was dumbstruck. My thoughts went blank as I tried to understand what he said. 
Did they buy me?

"T..Twenty millions!!", I whispered not believing.

"Well, boss wanted to see you. So get up!", he ordered in a stern voice making me obey. I slowly stood up, bending my head down as he gripped my wrists, pulling me with him.

We walked for a good twenty minutes when we reached big oak double doors. This place was so big like a castle! A modern castle!
Ben knocked on the door and it opened. I was awestruck by its size that I didn't even realize Ben had pushed me in. 

I turned around but the doors closed, trapping me in. I took in my surrounding and caught a sigh in bold letters
'Wing of the King'
A whole wing for one person?
How big is this place? 

I walked a few distance and noticed a designer door. It was slightly open and I could hear multiple voices. Fear struck me as I imagined the worse scenarios in my head. I just wanted to be in the safe arms of my husband for the rest of my life.

Is that too much to ask?

"Come in, Lily. We know you are standing there", a deep voice spoke making me gasp.

The doors were thrown open by a lanky man in a waiter uniform. I looked behind him to see five people sitting around a table. 
My eyes widened as my whole nightmare came alive, staring at me smiling.



Gun shots broke the silence of the night as footsteps could be heard. Blood flowed like a river as bodies fell with a disturbing thud. 'The King' pushed forward, his gun raised and continuously firing at anyone who crossed his path. He was absolutely mad and fuming with anger. 

He reached the master bedroom and broke the door open. He saw a man and a naked woman, lost in pleasure. As soon as he barged inside, the woman shrieked covering herself as Eric pointed the gun towards the man.

"Leave before I blow your brains out!", he yelled to the woman who quickly left the room, scooping up her dress.

"King?!", the man whispered not believing the person standing in front of him. 
Eric smirked and was reveling in happiness that he was not forgotten even after these many years. His mask was his identity. Everyone knew that the moment you see the King's mask, you are a dead meat. 

His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Where stories live. Discover now