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"AHH!!!!", her shouts brought panic to me as I held her hand, not knowing what to do. Her whole face was scrunched up in intense pain as she breathed through her lips. 
"Lily, come on. Push!", Dr. Layla said as Lily had her legs spread wide open. 

"Come on sweetheart, you can do this!", I tired to encourage even though it felt like I was the one giving birth. Her hand squeezed mine and that shit hurt a lot. Her eyes glared at me as she applied more pressure. 

"You stupid imbecile! I'm never letting you near me again. ROT IN HELL!", she shouted throwing her head back onto the pillow, pushing. I kissed her forehead, wiping the sweat as she gritted her teeth. 
God, is it that painful?!

"Lily! Come on, I can see the baby's crown. PUSH!", Layla yelled and in turn Lily screamed giving a final push. 
I heard a loud cry and I froze. 
"Congratulations! It's a healthy boy", she said walking near me. 

My eyes glazed over at my son's cries. I was ecstatic and looked over to see a faint smile on my wife's tired face. I kissed her hand, thanking her for making me the happiest person. 

Suddenly Lily screamed again and Dr. Layla said that she was ready to push another child. A wide smile spread on my face as I would soon get to meet my son's twin. I handed over the baby to the nurse when I heard her shout.


I rushed over and she had a death grip on my bicep, taking the daylights off me. I yelped in pain, not knowing that my fragile wife had an iron grip. All the while she was pushing, she also screamed profanities at me and yelled. I tried my best to soothe her.

Soon we had a beautiful daughter and I was on top of the world. I kissed Lily's lips and she eagerly responded. She decided to name our daughter Clarissa Rose Grayson - half from my mom, Clara and half from her grandma, Melissa. Rose was Lily's mother. We named our son Lucas Eric Grayson. 

This was my beautiful family and I couldn't ask for more!


The night of Thanksgiving-

My lips trailed kisses along her bare shoulder as my fingers played with the strap. I knew I had been keeping it in long and I wanted to show her tonight. I wanted to go slow and make her feel loved tonight.

She whimpered leaning back onto my chest as I wrapped a hand around her front. My primal urge was kicking in and I turned her to face me. She looked beautiful, smiling at me. I could see she was nervous as she bit her lip in anticipation. I chuckled pulling her close, kissing her forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks and finally her lips.

"You know I love you, right?", I asked to which she nodded. 
"Do you trust me, sweetheart?", she nodded for that too. 
"Then let me make love to you tonight, angel", I whispered placing my lips onto hers. 

It started slow and was filled with passion. I could feel her getting rid of insecurities and doubts. My hands pulled down the zipper of her dress as she gripped my shoulders tight. I pulled down the straps, letting the dress pool around her ankles. Not once did my eyes ran down and kept locked with her brown eyes. 

I picked her up, placing on the bed and I caressed her sides. She visibly relaxed, shyly. 
"You are beautiful", I said smiling to which she turned bright red. 

I got up from the bed and I stripped out of my clothes, keeping my gaze on her. Her eyes followed my every move and I pulled down my boxers. Her eyes widened as she shrieked, closing her eyes. I laughed nearing her and brought her hands down. 

His Innocent Wife  *(COMPLETED)*Where stories live. Discover now