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If there is one thing I've learnt from marriage then it would be to never piss off a pregnant woman. You never piss them! Ever!
They are sweet, caring, sexy, cute but at the same time crazy, short tempered and a cry baby. 

Day 70 of pregnancy-

"So you're telling me you can't buy a pizza for me?", her angry voice pulled me out of my thoughts.
I looked at my wife's beautiful face scrunched up. I would normally call this cute but it was anything but that now.

It was a bit scary!

"Lily, it's past one in the midnight. Where will I go for mushroom pizza and strawberry smoothie?", I desperately tried to reason with her.

"I don't know. You are my husband, aren't you? Then figure it out", she said and got up, leaving our bedroom. I quickly walked behind her hot on trail. She was in the kitchen, opening a pickle jar. I watched as she sucked it, moaning at the sourness. 

I was hard, instantly. Well, it was not my fault that she had that pregnancy glow to her face and her breasts and ass gained some pounds, becoming handful. I quickly shook those thoughts away and focused as she waddled back to the bedroom. 

"It's okay, I don't need that anymore. I'm so tired. Goodnight, honey!", she yawned, snuggling closer to my body and I heard soft snores after few minutes.

What did just happen now?

Day 110 of pregnancy- 

I was in my office at home when Damien waltzed in, whistling. I completely ignored him, running my eyes on the file. I was working at home since I didn't want to leave my pregnant wife alone. 
I was curious when I felt eyes on me and looked up to see a smirking Damien. 

I frowned, placing the file on the desk. 
"What are you smirking at?", I asked confused.
"Nothing...", he smiled innocently but it was anything than that.
"Spit it out, fucker!"
"Oh it's just that you're wife might be learning that word...."

I stared at him. 

"....Right now", he finished.

It took me a while to realize what it meant and dashed outside to see Lily perched on the couch intently listening to Austin. I ran and covered his mouth, panting. Lily frowned, huffing.

"Eric.....release him. He was about to explain that word", she folded her arms across her chest and I saw Damien standing beside her, smiling.
"What word, Lily?", he asked as I prayed it to be something good.

"'s...f-fuck!", she exclaimed making Damien laugh while I was glaring at Austin. He smiled nervously and I smacked him on the back. 
"You are teaching my wife to swear?", I glared as he frowned.
"Hey! In my defense she was the one who asked me about it", Austin smirked.

Lily tried to get up but I got to her side quick, seeing her struggle. She hugged me as I sat beside her. 
"What does getting fucked mean, Eric?", she pouted innocently making my mouth run dry. Damien and Austin rolled on the floor laughing as I looked anywhere but her, trying to explain. My eyes landed on the TV to see the movie 'Fifty Shades Of Grey'. 

"Lily, what are you watching?", I exclaimed and turned it off.
"Hey! I was watching that! I was getting bored and you were working, so I browsed through Netflix deciding to watch that! How dare you, turn it back on!", she puffed her cheeks in anger.

"No! You're not watching that. How come you even know that word?", I asked, wrapping my arms around her. 
"Oh, in that movie, Christian Grey said 'I fuck. Hard.'", she imitated the character, getting her voice deep and raspy. 
"And that's when Austin offered to teach me what it means", she smiled.

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