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He went inside and took out the coat, put it on the couch and thanked the other man under his lips, then took all his clothes which were left on the floor and went to his room. Even though it wouldn't take that much time to settle his clothes in the empty blue bag, he spend more time at doing it than expected. Maybe he just wanted to spend some time alone to discover why was he so relaxed in the villains house. But he soon gave up on finding the reason and instead decided to just enjoy the peaceful moment.
(Even though it feels great up here, alone, I can't stay in my room for ever.)
He looked out of the window at the lake for the last time and stepped downstairs quietly. Orph was on the couch watching the fire in the fireplace.

"Finished your meditating already?"
"I was not-" he smirked "Well actually you intrupted me with the annoying noise of your breaths. So yes. Now I'm finished."
Orph finally turned his head to look at Russel, with a smirk-like smile on his face.
"Great. Want to join me at enjoying some fire warmth?"
"Ah... sure."
Russel shrugged and went and sat on the other corner of the couch. Only the sound of the burning wood and the dancing orange lights were the proof that time wasn't frozen.
Russel wasn't really looking at anything, neither thinking about anything. He's mind was dancing with the golden lights and black shadows. Maybe it was a new way to ignore the fact of the villains exsitance in the room.
"So... not that afraid of me like morning, huh?"
"Huh" Russel snapped out of the magnificent dance party "oh... I don't... know... really?"
"Yeah you don't seem to see me as a hungry tiger anymore... I'm happy."
"I-isn't this a bad sign? For me, I mean... how am I supposed to fight villains if I feel comfortable around them?" He turned to face the man.
"Are you always thinking about work?"
"Well... I have a really imprtant job, you see."
"Isn't there anything else in your head? Idk. Like... your freinds, your family... something else?"
"Like you?"
"That would be wonderful. If it was unrelated to your work."
"Or yours."
"What do you mean?"
"Well you kill people. That can't be evaded."
"I don't kill ineccont people. I send them money so that they don't cross my path twice."
"They must have really terrible jobs or bosses to make them come near me. Don't you think?....... ok, I buy them..."
"So none of those photographers are dead?"
"Ah... Ok I don't pay them personally so i don't know who you are talking about. One of my friends does this for me. There are so many people out there, U know..."
"So basicly, you own a charity."
"Kinda." The villain shrugged. Now they both were facing each other and compeletely  forgetting about the fascinating fire.
Russel remaimed silent. Orph waited for him to say something patiently. His silver hair were freely laying on his shoulder unlike the rest of the day. Whenever he moved his head, the locks glew in the fire light and caught Russels attention. Just like now.
Orph titled his head and Russel asked:
"So you don't kill people."
"Ineccont peoe, no. Guilty ones yes."
"And who would be the guilty one?"
"Anyone who wants to fight me."
"You're not God or Christ. It's not sin if people want to defeat you."
"No. But what gives people courage to came and fight me is a sin. No power that can last before me is gained in a good way."
"...so only the Devil may beat you."
"You say it as if I'm a bad guy."
"You are the bad guy."
"That broke my heart... I'm still a human if you wasn't aware. Even with all the things I've done I'm still a human."
That hit Russel right in the heart. Now he was feeling really bad saying those words. Well yeah. He was the bad guy. But Russel acted as if Orph was an animal. Or as if there wasn't any feeling for him.
(Wait a minute! Since when I do care about a supervillains feelings?!)
"Ok... well how should I treat a human with bad past and most likely the same future?"
"Idk, I lost my sense of sociality and humanity. You tell me, mister hero~" Orpheus said with a smile, maybe to assure Russel that he wasn't really heart broken.
Russel looked at his fingers which started to play with his foot that was on the couch with him as his mind played with words to find an answer.
"Um... well... if you really don't kill innecont people- which i hope i am one- then maybe we can just be friends? Temporarily."
"Oh that would be awsome!!! So you really want to be my friend?!?! Do you think I would make a good friend? Oh!!! Thank you! That made me so happy!!!!"
Russel watched as Orph jumped from the couch and in the room claping hands and laughing brightly. He laughed along with him as he watched the hopping man. Room got so much brighter as if it was Orph who was shining now, not the fire.
"Why did you get so happy from just us being friends?"
"I don't remember when was the last time someone talked to me ignoring my job! Oh God I'm really happy you exist in this world!"
"Aha ha. Thanks, I guess..." He looked at the villain laughing and hopping childishly and smiled.
Orpheus jumped on the couch near his new friend and smiled widely.
"So tell me mister friend, what do friends do when they go on a trip together?" Orph had jumped real' close. Russel wondered if he was already in his personal space.
"Um... th-they go to uh... visit around, play games. I guess they make jokes together. Watch movies together... I'm not really sure. It's been a long time since I've spent time with my friends."
"It's ok. I've never spend time with the so called friends, too... so... lets play a game huh? Until dinner gets ready."
Russel looked at the empty kitchen wondefing who's gonna make dinner when he saw pans and knifes and raw food flying in the air.
"Woah. You've been doing it all the time? That's amazing!"
"Yeah... thanks..."
Russel turned back to see why Orphs voice lowered.
(Is he... blushing?!? Wth)
Orpheus seemed to be deeply impressed with the compliment. Did he blush whenever someone admired him? Well that was just sweet.
"So... what to play?"
"Idk. What did you and your friends do?"
"Um... drink beer secretly and uh... smoke? Those were some shitty friends I had."
"Ok... wine, maybe?"
"Yeah that seems good."
Orpheus didn't move. He just sat there and looked at Russel with empty eyes as if he's forgotten about wine. Russel was gonna say something when a bottle of red wine and two glasses flew out of the busting stuff in the kitchen.
"Oh." Russel caught one glass from air and hold it for the flying bottle to pour the bloody liquid in it.

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