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" ...why do you do this? I mean why do you kill them? They're just trying to help people."
"Not all people deserve the help. And they aren't the perfect heros you think they are. Sometime we kill them, sometimes they kill us. No big deal." He shrugged.
"There's no need to do all of these. Why don't you stop attacking? What do you ga-"
"Ok, listen young hero. If you want to stop us from fighting and harming each other, then you had to become a politician. But when you're a hero you are a soldier. You should fight. Stop asking such questions or you'll go mad."
"... so that's your answer to all the lives that are gone?" Russels upset face droped the strong sheild that was made from the tough years of living and fighting around the older man.
"No. I'm just saying... it's the way we chose... it was not the perfect choice but what can I do? Lets just get along with it... " he tried to soothe Russel with a softer tone.
The younger man looked at him not sure what to say. This wasn't something he expected to hear from a murderer. For the first time, he wasn't sure if the villains were the bad guys.
Now that he looked back in time... they mostly looked like normal humans. Only normal humans doing bad things. Only humans... With harder lives and bad choices. A lot of bad choices.
Maybe they weren't the monsters he thought they were. This was a new outlook. He didn't really know what to do or say. He was confused. But ashamed more than that.
He looked at Orpheus in silence. This time he saw a more humam-like being. Even with all the scars there, he was less afraid of him. He was more like a human being than a monster now. With grayish human hair and light blue human eyes. His face looked different now. He didn't see that devilish smile on his face any more. He only saw raised brows and the shade of a scar on his lips...
(Oh I was staring at him!...) he blushed and murmured.
"Oh yeah yeah... I-I mean you're right... I... never looked at it like this... I really don't know what to say... Just... sorry for misjudging... you." He wasn't looking at Orph. Not sure what to expect.
"Oh! How come you misjudged me? You don't really know me. So... you still don't really know me. And it's me we're talking about. The mysterious num 1 supervillain."
Russel looked at him, confused, again.
(So he's sayinghe  is the monster I thought he was?)
"What do you mean?"
Orpheus smiled and moved closer to his side.
"I mean, little bunny, that nobody really knows me. I lived a long life that only I know all of it. You simply can't know anything about me. My life was far away from a normal life. You may think others made wrong choices and stuff and became bad guy. But I, the strong scary villain, chose to be one. I'll be sad if you count me as one of those annoying little villains." He smiled wider at Russel's confused expression. It was amusing to see he couldn't focus on his words because they were too close now.
"A-ah is that so... why -are you this special?"
"Even though I love telling you why and how amazing I am, I think that now we should focus on more important things." Orph smirked and got even closer.
"L-like what?" Russel was losing the track of his breaths.
"Like you." His long hair was now brushing his shoulder falling on Russels cheek. He smiled, enjoying Russels puppy eyes.
It wasn't like Russel didn't know what was going on. And it wasn't that he didn't know what to do, he had a couple of good ideas of how to punch him in the face, in fact. It was just that...
Weirdly, he was really enjoying it! He wasn't scared that the villain was so close. He was enjoying the excitement he was feeling when Orph came closer. He liked the fast movement of his heart and the atomic war in his stomach.
He crushed his lips close and glanced away. That wasn't soppused to get out of his mouth!
(Oh god! I ruined the moment- wait, maybe it's better this way...)
"I was trying to hold back but it's your fault now!" The older male touched Russels cheek and got back his attention, then closed the gap.

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