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Russel ate all he had in plate and looked out of the little window on top of kitchens ceiling, just to kill time.
"Holy- Is that snow? I thought we're near a lake. I mean in a summer place. Hot... sth like that..."
"This house isn't really at any particular location. Each part shows a different weather and view. We have the view of the city if you like to see. But I don't think anything has happened yet."
"The disaster?" The man shook his head standing up from his seat. The younger one asked still looking out at the snow flakes. "Do you know anything about it? I just know a prophecy predicted sth terrible will happen. Do you, by any chance, know anything else?"
He went near his guest. Russel's fears of the man came back again. He couldn't focus properly. It was weird how easy it was for Orpheus to make him nervous.
"Why? Do you wanna talk about it? Not any other intresting topics to discuss?" He pursed his lips together. His brain spinning like a storm to find an excuse.
"N-no! I mean... well I was just curious... just that... ha ha..."
Orpheus tilted an eyebrow, smirking a little, stepping closer.
"What? Am I making you nervous?"
"Ah! N-no! I just... am... a little introvert. That's all."
"Oh~? A little shy hero? Cute~" he walked one step closer, looking outside the window along with Russel.
"You look really intrested in outside. Like to go there?"
"Can I? It's just a window..."
"...We will use the door, Russel. The door." Orpheus pointed to the door, as if he was talking to an idiot.
"Well... thanks for the offer. But there seems cold."
Orpheus smiled and stared at Russel. Those eyes reminded Russel of all the pictures of him in newspapers, when the photographers risked and lost their lives just to take a photo of him. All those pictures which had the eyes which photographer saw before dying.
Russel saw the same glow in them right now. Did he looked at Russel as a prey or a weak victim just like others? Probably yes...
"I'll go find sth warm to wear!" He rushed to his room and closed the door, leaning to it, listening to his own heart beats.
(Shit! I was gonna wet myself! Shit shit shit! Oh god... why did I follow all news about him? Why did I count his deads? Why did I have to scare myself to death of him?! Ugh god I'm gonna have a heart attack till the end of the day!"
He took a couple of deep breaths and calmed down. Then quickly looked for the warmest thing he had in his bag. Well he wasn't expecting snowy or cold weathers so basicly he didn't have any warm clothes. He ended up wearing most of his clothes on and going downstairs.
All of those clothes made him look like an overwrighted old man.
Which made the villain on the couch burst to laugher.
"New fasion, Russel? You could just tell me to give you sth to wear. Wear this." He picked up the coat and went to Russel. Helping him to take off all those clothes and wear the coat.
Russel peeked the older male. This time, he didn't panic when Orpheus came close. Surprisingly, Orpheus was like a normal human while he was helping Russel. As if he never even hurt a single soul. But Russel had to remind himself, the man before him was to blame for thousands of deaths. Even if he wasn't going to kill Russel, yet.
Truth could be cruel. Bothersome. Even if expected. But it still stood as truth along with all the pain it brought.
(Lets just get this week over with... alive if possible)
"Orpheus... Aren't you gonna wear something? Or you're gonna stay?"
"Just call me Orph and I'll come. I just don't need anything. I can warm myself." He smiled brightly not aware of the things going on inside Russels chest.
Why was the hero even being sad? What was he sad about? Didn't he expect the man to be a villain? Of course he did! Then where was all this heavy weight on his chest coming from? The expected truth? It wasn't even like he was denying anything. He completely acknowledged that he was facing the number one villain. And he didn't like the man. He was scared of him af. Then, why would he suddenly be so upset about the man to be the known monster?
There was no answer. There couldn't be any. He just looked at his fingers instead of the man. Following behind him to the door. Orph just opened the door with no effort and the wave of coldness blew into his ears.
He turned the collar of coat upward and followed the man into the stormy ground.
Looking at him not wearning anything but just a gray sweater made him shiver even more. But he picked his eyes from him, walking past through him and listening to the siren of wind and the sound of snow under his feet.
He closed his eyes and imagined he was leaving all his problems and disturbing feelings behind. Getting lost in the sudden frosty wind. With the coat given by the dangerous man. Nice dreams. But he would prefer the whole week with the man instead of freezing to death, thanks.
He sighed. Opened his eyes and looked at his feet. He was walking in the snow with sneakers. Well it wasn't that bad. His toes felt fine. He tried to move them.
(Yep they're still there.)
He turned to look at the man he've left behind. He was standing at the door way leaning at the door. Orph was just watching him arms locked in front of his chest. A smile playing along on his face.
"What?" It wasn't exactly calming to find a murderer staring at you silently with a smile.
"Nothing. You stepped in the snow as if you were a part if it. Just enjoying the view from back here."
"That sounded a bit pervy."
"Wanna hear more?"
"Don't think so."
"Then come in before you catch a cold."
He shook his head and walked back to the house. He doubted if even 5 minutes has passed. He didn't really do anything. Just stepped in the snow, stayed a bit and turned back. It took less time than Russel expected.
He couldn't kill that much time but at least he felt freshen up. It felt like the sharp wind really took his stress away.

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