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He first brushed his lips to him to make sure Russel won't pull back. He kissed the other mans lips softly looking him in the eyes to know if everything's fine. Then he closed his eyes after Russel and added more pressure.
Russel was melting to the kiss. Orph was leaning on him and he was almost laying on the couch. His back ached and couch's arm was pressing his shoulder. He couldn't focus on anything and now he felt pressure both on his lips and his heart.
And it didn't pass much when another item was added to the list of unimportant at the moment of the kissing  problems. He needed oxygen.
These little issues where leaping in the back of his mind. The important thing was going on in between his lips. And he wasn't gonna ruin this moment for anything in the world.
Orphs lips were so better than his expectations. His lips were sweat and he himself was gentle.
Their lips moved and danced together in the shadows and lights of fire. Even though Orph was calmly enjoying the moment, Russel was burning and melting in it as if he was the fire itself. It wasn't supposed to feel this good. Russel wasn't supposed to lighen up like fire.
But even fire needs oxygen to remain alive. So did Russel. And Orph knew it so he pulled back a little opening his eyes to see if Russel understood its time for him to breathe. Russel opened his eyes slowly when he didn't feel the mans lips on his. He remembered to breathe when he met Orphs dark blue eyes. He inhaled suddenly, snapping back to reality.
Orph chuckled at his sudden surprise and inhales.
"Didn't expect the devil to kiss you?" His deep voice seemed too loud for the room. And for Russel.
Russel swallowed not sure what to say. There was so many things in his mind. So many words that came and before he could read or pick them, they were gone. He couldn't say anything. So he just grabbed Orphs arm and looked into his eyes, trying to tell him all those words by his eyes.
Thanks God, Orpheus was smart! 'Cause he just needed one sight of Russels eyes to kiss him again. Russel only groaned into the kiss, which Orph took as a thank you and answered it with more passionated touches.
He framed Russels face with one hand and put the other on his waist. Russel curled into his embrace and answered every single kiss eagerly. Though he wasn't sure if he was doing it properly. He was way more flustered with the older mans lips to be focused on his own actions. He wasn't really even trying to focus on anything other than this great pleasure. He was seeking in all the pleasure he could.
But then again the need of oxygen made Orph to pull back. Orpheus could breathe between little kisses but he could only hear his own pants. He knew Russel was holding his breath again. And he wasn't planning on suffocating him with kisses.
Nope. He needed him alive for more kisses.
He smiled at the smaller man who was gasping for air.
He trailed his hand to Russels hair and started stroking it and humming faintly.
Russel blushed a deep red color and looked in Oprhs eyes.
Orph read so many things in his eyes. He read excitment and confusion in his eyes. So many questions and so little answers. He saw worry and concern, pleasure and bliss, passion and heat & calmness and serenity. And that little hint of playful look in his eyes.
Orph smiled brightly and kissed Russels forehead. Russel could feel his fingers playing with one of his curls. He sometimes played with them himself.
He grinned and put his hands on Orphs chest and fondled with the fabric.
"There seems to be a spell on you to not have any friends." He whispered.
"We still can be friends if you want." He offerend not louder than his siren song.
"Do you?"
"Not really."
"Neither do I." He wasn't looking at his face. He didn't need to. He could feel him with the finger tips.
"Good." Russel felt him smile under his finger tips.
He tapped on his chest and they tasted each others lips one more time.
Russel felt a fog of complicated sentiments.
Something was shouting in his brain that he was kissing a dangerous guy. Forget that, he was kissing a guy! He never managed to have an actual girlfriend.
He was really loving his time with Orph but he felt like he shouldn't. Who said kissing the one you like always feels right? It felt sooooo wrong for him. He had to pull back. He had to stop it. He could see all the consequences, and he knew he'd face them if he kept kissing the devil.
He tried to stop kissing along, he kinda manged to but he didn't know how would Orph respond if he pull back so quickly. He didn't want to know.
All the love and amuse was replaced with fear in him.
Orpheus heard a gulp and studied him to see what happend. Russel was avoiding eye contact. He'd pulled back unexpectedly, and now... Orph sensed crumbs and hints of power in air.
Russel was letting out a bit of his power to protect himself unknowingly.
"Is anything bothering you, Russel?" His soft voice pulled Russel back to reality.
"Ah! No! Nothing... I'm just a bit tired. Yeah... *yawn*" He wished for his room. He felt the need to be there.  Now, he was only thinking about getting back upstairs and to his room. All the previous actions have took all his energy.
"I'm really tired. Can I go back to my room?"
"Ah, yeah. Yeah go ahead." Orph shook his head, watching the younger man getting up, confused as to why he suddenly switched mood. What hit him?
Russel left the astonished man downstairs and jogged to his cozy spot in the house.
(Ah home sweat home...)
He fell on the bed, and slept a blank dream.
One day down, six to go

「Heya! I usually don't leave notes. Because I first write the whole thing in a nite aoo, then publish it. BTW, sorry it took so long to update. I was busy with another book.
Thank you so much for reading.
And I had a question.

Would you like and want me to continue?

This was all i've written. If you want me to continue pls tell. Leave a comment. Otherwise I'll drop the book and mark it as a comelete work.
And thanks again for reading it. \(^-^)/
I love you all.~♡」

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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