Chapter 2

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"- and that's how I accidently mistaked a butterfly for a bee."
Harper finished off. Robin giggled at his story, finding it funny.
"Butterflies are bigger than bees tho!"
She laughed out. Harper chuckled at her remark.
"Listen, I was six. I have never seen a butterfly and I thought it was a type of bee!"
He laughed.
"Okay, I know this is off topic but, how did you injure yourself? Cause if you say you fought with a butterfly Imma laugh."
Robin asked. Looking dumbfounded, he huffed.
"I did NOT fight a butterfly. I was out collecting berries and I stumbled upon an outcasted werewolf. Well, werewolves. They stole the berries and my money, but I got away. As you can tell."

He looked up at the sky. Not a single cloud as they travelled through open woods. They have past a few bunnies, a wolf-bear and her cubs. A few more animals and bugs as well. The trees stretched only a few meters above them, taller non the less. They have been conversing and growing closer to each other. Telling stories about them and what they do in life. Harper is a cook for one of his people's resturants. But every now and then he goes to get ingrediants for the other staff.

"Okay, so, how did you end up out here anyway? If you don't mind of course." Harper asked. Feeling a little guilty. Not minding, Robin begun to tell him.
"Well, when I was around seven, my village was attacked by werewolves. That was the time I discovered I had magical abilities. So, they took me in and talked about selling me. But they also said something, that I was stolen or something. My supposed father helped me escape by distracting them as I escaped from the window. And now I'm here"
Harper looked at her with guilt.
"I'm sorry, that sound rough."
It turned silent as the two walked. A slightly awkward silence.

Robin stopped in her tracks as she pulled Harper back. Signalling for him to be quiet. Dragging him up the closest tree, they looked to the ground. A girl with tan skin walked into frame. With dark brown hair pulled into a high ponytail.
"Robin! It's just me! I have news."
Jumping down, Robin hugged the person. She was wearing blue jeans and a black tee shirt. Sharp canines being noticed as she smiled.

"Hey Vee. What's up?"
Releasing another from the hug, the stood in front of each other.
"Not much. Leaf was thinking that the gang should hang out again. Your welcome to bring your new friend. Also, I think I have some clues on your real parents."
Vee stood with a hand on her hip, with a toothy grin. Harper looked slightly confused.

"Aren't you Princess Veronica?"
Harper asks. They both look at him, Vee nodding.
"Yea, but call me Vee. I don't like formalities. Now, get this. The King and Queen of Lightbridge lost they're baby girl just two days after her birth. They predicted that she would have a multitude of magical elements. They found out who took their child, but not where he went. The kidnappers name was Corry Smith."
Shocked, Robin just stood there.
"B-but, that's what my father's name was..."
"Exactly. Now, we just have to figure out if you have wings, and if we can trigger them, yea? Have you had any back pains lately?"
Think for a moment, she nods.

"A little. But not to bad. Mainly when I use my magic."
"Wait, wait, wait. Lightbridge?! We are heading there now! What- how- huh?"
Confused, he started to overwork his brain.
"Well aren't you funny. My dad is there discussing terms of peace with them. So come on!" Grabbing both of their arms, she drags them towards their destination.

"So you travelled twenty kilometres in an hour?!"
Harper exclaimed. Laughing, she explained.
"I'm a werewolf, I was jogging. Told my dad I was 'training'."
They continued to jog with Veronica, until they took a break near a creek. Robin handed the water bottle to Harper and clean out some water for Vee and herself.
"So, how is things with the group?"
Robin asks, trying to make conversation.
"Well, Leaf and Soren are kind of together, I have a girlfriend, and you remember ocean? Yea, I ship Ocean and Luke."
Harper looked at them in confusion.
"Leaf is the prince of the goblins, Soren is the prince of hell, Luke is the vampire prince. There is also Karma, princess of mermaids, Lotus, the princess of the lotus flower, me, and Robin."
Vee explained. Making an 'oo' shape with his mouth, he sat and listened.

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