Chapter 5

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The sun only barely lit the sky as Robins eyes begun to open. In an hour, training begun. Sitting up, her eyes began to adjust to the lighting. The pale red curtains had been drawn closed. Her bed sheets messed up from her tossing and turning, her hair like a bird's nest. Getting up she threw her legs over the edge and pushed up. Heading towards the bathroom to freshen up. Turning on the shower, she strips herself of her clothes and hops into the boiling water. Cleaning her skin, she hops out after five minutes. She grabs a towel and starts to dry her hair. After it is mostly dry, she wraps the towel around her and goes into her room. Grabbing her training clothes and the undergarments, (which gets washed everyday), and puts them on. She grabs a water bottle and puts it in her bag, putting her shoes on and heads out the door.

Walking through the hallway at a normal pace, she took a look around. The paintings were very aesthetically pleasing. With a small smile plastered on Robins face, she speeds up and heads towards the door that led out side. Twisting the handle, she opens the door and closes it behind her. Jogging towards the field, she noticed that the sun was still rising. Turning the corner, she spots the training grounds. Around about fifty people were already training. A few of them slacking off a little. Taking a look around, Vee was already there and practising hand to hand combat. Her mother yet to come. Robin heads over to the magical area, and begins to work on her magic.

Already twenty minutes passed before Queen Diane showed up to the training grounds in the uniform. Everyone bowing as she made her way over to Robin.
"Sorry I'm late, I'm used to sleeping in."
Laughing a little in the end, she waves her hand around a little.
"Let's begin shall we?"
Robin nodded in agreement, paying close attention to her mother's words.
"Okay, so feel as though the wings are an extra part of your body. Cause it is. Now, try and move the bones of your wings in and out slowly. Once you can do that with confidence, we shall start trying to lift you off the ground."
Diane gave Robin a demonstration, turning around so Robin could see her back bones. Moving forward and back slowly.
"Okay, begin."
Robin turned around and begun to try and move her wings. Even a little.

This went on for about two weeks before she could move her wings properly. Flapping in and out, the light pink and lime wings barely moved.

"Okay! I think we should start to open your wings. Try and move your bones up."
Trying and trying, this exercise took a week, by the end of it she could move them. Young fairies have developed wings around the age of six. By the time they are fully grown, their wings have kept up with said growth, giving time to practice. But, only 5 days left untill the festival began. It would last three days. On the first day, she would be introduced to the people and any allied species. The werewolves, gargoyles, elves and lotus are free to enter since they have an alliance and peace treaty with the Fairies. She just had to sneak in Luke, Soren, and Karma. Which is easier said then done. Soren could disguise them with magic. Maybe Lotus, Wyatt and Veronica could distract the guards.
They could teleport in with disguises. Robin thought.

One day until it begun. Robin had learnt to fly short. Not very well but she got there. Diane and Robin are currently heading towards the markets and shops to buy some clothes for themselves.
"Let's head over there. They have really nice and comfortable clothing."
Diane directed Robin to a store with a bright exterior. Clothing lined up on display with mannequins.
"Sounds like a plan."
They both head into the store. Gasps verbally heard as they entered. The queen was with a stranger and going into the store.
"Welcome back Diane."
The worker at the the store front said. She pulled a toothy grin. She had beautiful long red hair, natural, and a light orange apron on.
"Nice to see you again Gen."
They meet in the middle and gave each other a hug. They chatted a little before she was needed at the counter. Browsing around, Robin eventually picked a light yellow sunglower sun dress, a pair of blue jeans, a leather jacket and a purple beanie. Heading to pay, they got thirty percent off of every item. They thanked Genevive and headed out. Looking at other stores they got more clothes for themselves and a present for Roman. They sat down at a little cafe to eat. Robin ordered fish and chips as Diane ordered a beef burger. As they ate, they talked amongst themselves. Aboit the festival and who was coming. Anyone was welcomed, but anyone from enemy territory must have a guard set on them at all times. The only acception would be for the bathroom. Which works out in Robins favor.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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