🚗Car Crash💥

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Maybe triggering towards the end of the chapter.

"Promise you won't be long?" Louis whined as he hugged Harry.

"Promise. I'm only going a couple miles Lou. I'll be back before you know it."

"I'll miss you."

Harry laughed. "You're such a softie. Now let me go." They shared a long kiss.

Harry and Louis were married. They did absolutely everything together, even worked at the same place. They had been childhood sweethearts.

"See you soon." Harry grabbed his car keys and headed outside.

He got in the car and started the engine. He drove out of their driveway and headed up the road.

He was going to the post office to pick up a parcel.

He'd been driving for only two minutes, when he pulled up at traffic lights. He stopped the car and waited for the lights to change.

When they did, he started driving.

Some moron had driven straight through the lights to his right, and before Harry had a chance to react to the car heading his way, the car smashed into him.

His car lifted off the ground, smashing back down on the road, and rolling over twice before landing on its side.

It was a scene of devastation.

The traffic had stopped in all directions as Harry's car lay stricken in the road.

People had rushed to help him.

"Hey. Can you hear me? Can you move?" Someone asked.

There was no response. Harry was unconscious and in a bad way.

Due to the car being on its side, there was no way anyone could reach him.

An ambulance and fire engine had arrived shortly after.

They got to work trying to free Harry.

It took an hour before the firemen had freed him. He was taken to the nearest hospital.


Louis was sat at home, wondering why Harry wasn't home yet. He picked up his phone and dialled Harry's number.

It kept ringing before going to voicemail.

"Where are you Harry?" He bit his fingernails.

Ten minutes later his phone rang.


"Hello. I'm calling from Doncaster hospital. Are you Louis Styles?"

"Oh my god. Yes I am. Is...is Harry alright?"

"I'm afraid he's been in a car accident. He's in intensive care. You should come in straight away." The woman on the other end said.

"OK. I'll be there soon." Was all Louis could say. He hung up the phone. His hands were shaking so bad. He had to let Anne know.

"Hi Lou. How are you?" Anne said.

Louis was crying. "Anne...it's Harry. He's been in an accident. He's in hospital. We need to go now."

"Oh no. I'll get Robin to drive us. We'll be with you soon."


They arrived at the hospital quickly. Anne and Louis rushed in while Robin parked the car.

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