Cock pain😖

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One direction...the best boy band the world has ever seen.

Hardworking. Professional. Serious artists.

Yeah. Ok.

They were about to go on stage, their final show of a very long tour. The arena was full of screaming girls and women, a few men dotted here and there.

"Fuck! Listen to the crowd. This is insane!" Niall yelled over the noise.

The boys got together in a huddle.  "Good luck lads. Let's make this the best show ever!" Louis said.

The huddle broke and they walked to the stage.

The music started and the lights went down. The crowd screamed so loud it could pierce your eardrums.

"Let's go!" Liam shouted, and they all ran on to the stage. The screams got louder and louder. They started singing.

An hour and a half passed and they were having so much fun. There was only two songs left.

During the song, Louis started running around, a usual thing for him to do. They would end up jumping on each others backs or something.

He ran after Harry. "No Lou no!" He shouted into his mic inbetween singing the lyrics.

"Hahahahaaaa" Niall laughed.

The crowd were going wild.

"Harry come here!" Louis shouted, as Harry kept running. Liam managed to catch him, grabbing him round the waist and throwing him to the ground. Louis and Niall both jumped on top of them.

"Owwwww." Harry groaned as he felt a knee or foot or something ramming into his groin. "Fuck." Luckily his mic was off.

The boys didn't notice he was in pain. "G..get off."

They kept jumping on him. The song ended and they got up, except for Harry, whose hands went to his groin.

"Thank you guys so much. We've had a great night. One last song then we'll be off. So thanks again for being so wonderful. Get home safe. Love you all." Liam announced and the music started.

They still hadn't noticed Harry on the ground, despite fans waving towards him. Management couldn't get to him to ask what was wrong.

Harry was crying. He was in so much pain.

They only noticed when it came to Harry's solo. Louis looked around, and saw him. Finally.

He ran over to his friend and crouched beside him.

"Harry? What's wrong?"

"Hurts." He cried. "Get me off."

Louis looked over to management and one of them came on stage and helped Harry up.

The others managed to finish the song. The tour was finally over.

They rushed backstage to find Harry and Louis.

"What happened? Is he sick?" Liam asked.

Harry was laying down on his side on a sofa in their changing room.

His hands were still on his groin.

"Harry. Do you hurt down there." Louis nodded to where his hands were. Harry nodded.

"Someone kicked me." He managed to say.

"Shit. Sorry mate. Does it hurt really bad?" He nodded again.

"Maybe you should see a Doctor?" Niall suggested.

Harry looked mortified. "No!"

"Harry, if it's that bad...there might be damage. I think you should go."

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