Sick On Holiday 🏖️

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Hello everyone. Long time, no see.

Sorry been busy with my other books..."don't hurt me Daddy" and "scared to be lonely" please take a look, if you haven't already.

Thought I'd do a quick sickfic for you. Enjoy!

Harry was on holiday in Majorca with his best friends, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn.

"Right lads!" Louis said, "where are we gonna eat tonight? I'm fed up with pizza!"

"Me too, I'm all cheesed out!" Harry laughed. Niall looked offended, he could eat nothing but pizza if he had the chance.

"There's always Maccy D's?!" Liam added.

"Fuck no! Not having McDonald's for dinner." Zayn said, with mocked shock.

"What about that little place down by the sea? Does all-sorts. I had a quick look at the menu the other day. Not expensive either." Liam suggested.

"Sounds good!" Harry said and the others nodded, even Niall.

"Right, shall we go now?"


They all headed down to the beach. It was fairly busy but they managed to get a table quite easily.

"Beers all round please" Zayn said to the waitress.

They were all in good moods. They'd been here for a week already, with another week to come. It was a treat for them all for finishing college.

Harry, though, had been feeling a bit iffy all day. Not sure if it was too much sun, or beer, but he'd not been himself.

They all ordered. Harry had fish, Zayn and Liam had beef and Louis and Niall had chicken.

"This is delicious. Well done Liam!" Niall said.

"I didn't cook it!" Liam laughed. Making the others chuckle.

They chatted, ate and finished two beers each. They were the best of friends and loved each others company.

They finished and paid.

"It's still early, what shall we do? Back to that club?"  Louis asked.

"Guess so." Zayn said.

They'd been in the club for an hour. Harry wasn't feeling any better, in fact he was feeling worse.

"You ok Haz?" Louis shouted above the music.

Harry shook his head, a bit scared to open his mouth.

"Wanna go outside for some air?" He asked again. Harry nodded and stood up, feeling a bit shaky.

"Just going out for some air." Louis told Zayn, who nodded.

They stepped outside, the fresh air hitting them straight away.

"What's up mate?" Louis asked, concerned.

"Feel sick. Head hurts." Harry responded.

"Let's go sit over there!" Louis pointed to a bench across the street. They sat down and Louis rubbed Harry's back.

"How long have you felt bad? Wasn't the food was it?" He asked.

Harry shook his head. "Felt bad all day, got worse though."

"Why didn't you say? "

"Didn't wanna spoil the day Lou!" He muttered. He could feel his stomach turning. He knew he would be sick any time soon.

"Lou...I don't feel good. Take me back?" He begged.

Louis texted Liam to say they were going back and not to worry.

It wasn't far from their apartment so they took a slow walk.

They were nearly there when Harry bent over, clutching his stomach.

"Lou!" He said as he gagged. Louis pulled him to the side of the path as Harry threw up, onto the grass.

Louis rubbed his back.

"Shit.. I'm sorry!" Harry said, wiping his mouth.

"It's fine. Come on we're nearly there now."

Five minutes later they were back at the apartment.

Louis sat Harry on the sofa and found a bowl, just in case. He helped Harry take his jacket off and got him a bottle of water.

Harry suddenly jumped up and ran to the bathroom. His head was soon leaning over the toilet bowl as he heaved and brought up more vomit.

Louis went in after him, sitting on the floor, letting Harry know he was there for him.

"Let it out mate, you'll feel better."

Harry gagged, heaved and threw up for a few minutes. He was sweating, and shaking. He hadn't been so sick for years.

Soon enough, he was dry heaving. It hurt like hell. His whole body ached, his stomach felt like it was being sliced in two.

"Shit Haz. You're really sick! You think you're done?"

Harry sat back on his heels and rested his head on his arms that were still holding onto the toilet.

"Yeah!" He croaked. His throat was raw, and so painful.

Louis helped him up off the floor. He wiped his face and helped him wash his hands, he flushed the toilet and helped Harry to the room they were sharing, staggering all the way there.

"Let me help you get undressed." Louis said. He pulled Harry's top off, then laid him on the bed as he removed his shoes, socks and jeans.

His pants were soaked in sweat, but he left them on.

He pulled Harry onto his bed properly and put a sheet over him.

He went and got the bowl and water bottle, placing them in easy reach.

He sat on Harry's bed for a while.

"How you feeling now?" He asked.

Harry moaned and rubbed his stomach.

"Bit better. Sorry."

"I told you, no need to say sorry. I'm getting in my bed now. If you need me, just shout ok?"

Harry nodded. "Thanks Lou. Love ya." He grumbled, and closed his eyes.

"Love you too mate. Goodnight. Hope you feel better soon."

Is this worthy of a part two? I never know. You decide, though don't know when I'd do it.

Hope you're all great.

All the love 💞

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