|2| Horimiya.

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My eyes were stuck on miyamura as he was working at his family's bakery which was rare of him to do. He gave another smile to a female customer as he gave her what she had ordered. How many times has this happened today. I stared as time passed by. He got out of the counter and approaches the store door flipping the card from Open to Closed.

"I guess I'll be closing the shop earlier than usual today are you bored Hori?"
I shook my head as I stared at his calm smile.
He got back to the counter and grabbed a few things before going to me saying that he'll take me home.

We were walking as usual but no words would come out of my mouth.
"I have some cake for you to share with your family, I've promised Souta that I'd be bringing home some cake after all since I did take you with me to the shop today."

"I was the one who said that I wanted to come, you didn't have to bother."
Miyamura had thought about what I said before just nodding.
"So what's up you're a bit glum today."
"It's nothing."
Without realizing we were already in front of my family's apartment. Miyamura handed me the paperbag which held the cake and was about to leave when I gave him a hug from the back.

"Can we stay like this for a while, please." He kept quiet for a while before huming in reply.

"I'm jealous."
"It's nothing."
"No, I definitely heard something, what did you say?"
His face turned to me which I pushed for him to face forward again.
"See you tomorrow."
I let go of my hug and gave him a smile before I ran up to the apartment.

"Guys Miyamura gave me some cake we could eat!" The people that were in hiding in the house popped out of nowhere.

"Sis, why do you have that look in your face?"
"What type of look?"
"A sad face."
My lips upturned to a smile before I put my finger on top of Souta's eyes.
"It's a secret."

Story #2
Take care and stay safe.
Word count: 369.

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