Chapter 1- We Caught Them

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Hi!  This story is going to be different from my other ones, whoops.  I just got some love on it and decided it wasn't to crappy to post.  It is based on the fan art above (once I find it lmao) 


  Quick warning, I am going to be including some shipping, but it shouldn't be the main focus of the story.  If you don't like shipping, please just don't read it.  My sleep deprivation cannot handle hate at the moment.  If any of the people involved say that don't like shipping, I'll take it done.  None of it will be NSFW though.  I hope you enjoy this random thing I wrote on a four hour drive while bored, c'ya!


The man hurried into the station, cursing colorfully and spilling papers everywhere. He fumbled with the latch of his case, snarling under his breath. He'd gotten the call about 15 minutes ago and left his poor boyfriend to be here. Apparently they'd caught them. Those four men had made his life a living hell, wrecking havoc across the city. And now they'd finally been caught burning down an orphanage. AN ORPHANAGE! What was wrong with these people?! He made it to the interrogations room, nodding to Sapnap.

"Is it them?"

"Sure is. Slight complication though, one's a minor."


"Yeah. That's one messed up family right there"

"Dear lord."Dream stepped up to the one way glass, taking in the people before him.

"The first is Philza. He was at the scene trying to get the others out of there. He appears to be the father of the group and gets them away from the crime scenes."

The man frowned at the glass like he knew what they were saying. He wore a green shirt and pants underneath a black jacket. The most stunning thing about his was beautiful feathered wings the arched out from behind his back. He huffed out a sigh, looking away.

"Number two is Wilbur Soot. Mass arsonist and terrorist. He was the one holding the lighter and gasoline. Along with that he has confirmed he's been the cause of most fires and explosions in the city."

"But we've gotten reports of over one hundred in the past month!"

"Exactly," Sapnap said, worry lacing his voice. The arsonist cocked his bed at the glass, his eyes narrowed behind his glasses. With the trench coat and yellow sweater, Dream couldn't tell if he looked like a rebel leader or an author. His fluffy brown hair covered one of his eyes and he brushed it away. His smile was a chilling one, as if he knew he was insane and he had just accepted it.  Something about it made Dream want to get closer.  It drew him in and he leaned closer to the glass.  Just looking at him made his heart speed up.

"Number 3 is Technoblade." There was a tremor of fear in Sapnap's voice as he read off the information. Dream snapped out of his thoughts and refocused.  "He's admitted to every murder case the city has had over the past three months. He claims to be the Blood God and 'the second worst thing to ever happened to those orphans."

There was a stunned silence. Techno's ear flicked and he tapped it with his long hoof-like nail. His blood red eyes were boring themselves into Dream's very soul, making him stumble back a little.

"And the teenager?"

"Tommyinnit. He said to call him Tommy or Big Man."

Dream snorted.

"He's quite the vicious teen though. He put Bad, Skeppy, and Ant in the hospital today alone. He's mainly facing resisting arrest, theft, breaking and entering, and attacking police officers. Also has a real dirty mouth and didn't shut up the entire ride over here according to Sam."

"Wow," Dream stammered out, shell shocked. He blinked a couple times, horrified by the people in front of him. He had even seen Tommy before, he'd bought him a pastry at a restaurant because the poor kid looked like he had been starving.

"Yep. I can't believe we caught them to be honest. Phil looked ready to whisk them away but Technoblade seemed insistent on adding more fuel to the flames. Wilbur was pouring gasoline on the fire when we got there and Tommy was up in a tree."

"In a tree?"

"Yep! He jumped down, neutralized Skeppy, and just wreaked havoc on everyone in the vicinity. It was a bit of a blood bath."

"I might be sick," Dream said, staggering as gripping the back of a chair like it was a life preserver.  A pang of pity went through him.  Their life was about to get ten times worse, prisons had become harsher and more brutal over the past few years, reflecting the attitudes of the leaders of L'Manburg.  Also, people weren't born like this.  What compelled them to start a life of crime?

 The young boy's mouth moved softly as he cocked an eyebrow, making Techno whip towards him, shaking his head. The two cops leaned over, looking at him curiously.

"Turn the sound on," Dream commanded.  Sapnap complied and voiced flooded the small room.

"Don't do it Tommy," Phil was saying, twisting his fingers nervously.

"Oh come on Phil, we got caught. Let the kid have his fun."

"Tommy, I would advise against this," Techno drawled. His voice was monotone and rough, making Dream shiver.

"TOO LATE," Tommy yelled. Letting go of his sigh with one hand he flipped the officer off, making them gasp. Phil grimaced and looked away like he'd rather be doing a million other things at the moment. Wilbur giggled a little, looking away from the young Brit and towards the glass. Techno smiled wearily like this is what he had to deal with 24/7. Tommy stuck his tongue out as well right as the camera went off.


Well, that's chapter one for ya.  I don't really have anything to say to be honest.  Yep.  Ok I'll leave c'ya!!!

Word Count- 924

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