Chapter 14- ✨A cHiLd✨ (NO)

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TW- minor mentions of wounds/blood.  Nothing too major or in detail, just wanted to give everyone a heads up!

Phil half carried half dragged the new kid onto the couch, Techno shutting the door behind him the moment they cleared the threshold.  Dream finally got a good look at him.  He was tall and lanky, most likely taller than Phil if he was standing.  He had pale white skin with a lot of dark black patches, he looked almost like a Dalmatian.  Or an Oreo.  His eyes were closed and his mouth was drawn in a tight line.  His clothes were torn to shreds, dirty, and covered in blood stains.  His chest, arms, and back were covered in long gouges and cuts.  Dream snarled, this didn't look good.

"Wilbur and Dream fetch me the first aide kit.  Tommy, you and Tubbo go find some clothes for him.  Techno, do whatever you need to do."

They scattered, Wilbur dragging Dream to the bathroom and started rifling through cabinets.

"What did Phil mean about Techno 'doing what he needed to do'?"

"Techno has voices in his head, and they crave violence and blood a lot.  He can't be around it for too long otherwise a lot of people get hurt.  Trust me, you do not want to see him in action."

"Noted," Dream said, his mouth going dry.  "What are we going to do about the kid?"

Wilbur finally straightened up, a menacing look scrawled across his face.  A red and white kit was clutched in his hands.

"We're going to find the bastards that did that to him and repay the favor."

They quickly ran back to Phil, giving him the kit.  He took it with a quick "thank you," and began disinfecting and bandaging the wounds.  At some point the boy woke up, crying out in pain when Phil cleaned a deep wound.  Wilbur took his hand, squeezing it lightly.

"Hey hey, it's okay," he said, his eyes full of concern.  "Phil's just cleaning your wounds, but we need to not be tense.  Can you do that?"

The boy nodded a little, then clenched his teeth.  However, he relaxed his body and laid on the table quietly.  Phil pushed on, stopping only to give the boy a few short breaks when it seemed like it was getting to be too much.  He was probably around Tommy and Tubbo's age, so calling him a teen seemed more appropriate.

Phil finally finished dressing the wounds stepping back.

"That should hold for a while, most of those weren't too deep.  One or two might need a few stitches but otherwise you should be good."

"Thank you," the teen croaked out, tears still streaming down his multi-colored cheeks.  Wilbur gently let go of his hand.

"Of course.  What's your name?"


"Okay Ranboo, you should probably stay here for the night and rest.  Tomorrow we can get you back home."

"Don't have one," the teen said sleepily, his eyelids fluttering.


"No- home," he said, his voice floating away.  "Thank you."  He drooped on the couch, his entire body limp.  His breathing evened out and he was out cold.  

"Well that was eventful," Wilbur said, dropping into an armchair.  "We should probably stay here for tonight, make sure nothing happens."

"Well Phil could still go out with the others," Dream said truthfully.  "Wilbur and I could stay with Ranboo and you and the boys could catch up with Techno."

"Are you guys okay with that?"

"I am," Wilbur said.  Dream simply nodded.

"Alright, I'll go see what they're up to, then we'll probably head out."

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