Chapter 21- Screw the Weather

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Anyways hi, this is Ira, and I have to explaining to do.

This story was a passion project, a love letter to the SMP.  It was wild and confusing and exciting and wonderful.  And then it died.  Then I was forced to leave.  The worst did happen.

But I found my way back.  And now, well, now I have a new account.@Irellafish2.  I rewrote this story, with more concrete characters and an angstier plot.  And now that I have the rewrite almost finished, I don't really want to touch this story.  So I'm releasing the mostly unedited and unfinished chapters.  From there, I'm not sure what I'll do.

(Also, check out deceiving dragonfly I have some fun moments in there lmao)

So, enjoy!  I poured my heart and soul into this book, and I poured my creativity and passion into the rewrite.  I do hope this brings some sense of closure to my abrupt absence.


Red, white, blue, and yellow banners were painted across the city.  Colorful shirts, flags, hats, and everything in between were sold from everywhere.  Dream and Wilbur grinned at each other as they wandered through the outdoor markets.  It was the final day before the mission, the plot to take L'Manburg back from tyranny.  

"You think I would look good in this," Wilbur asked, holding up a random sweatshirt.  Dream rolled his eyes, shrugging. Wilbur bought it anyways while Dream noticed something.  He wove through the crowd before stopping in front of a stall.  He pulled a small item and held it up for his boyfriend to see, making him laugh hysterically.  Dream bought the L'Manburg themed lighter quickly and tossed it to the hysterical Brit.

"You would look good in that," he said with a happy smile.  Wilbur smiled back, finally regaining control of himself.  He pulled Dream into a side hug, pressing a goofy kiss into his cheek.  They walked out of the market, hand in hand, to meet up with the others.

They spotted Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy first.  Tubbo was holding an adorable baby pigman plushie, Ranboo was smiling widely, and Tommy was pouting like a small child.

"Why do you look so pissed," Wilbur asked, making the teen glare even harder.

"They won't share the stupid thing," he growled, jerking his head at the pigman.  Ranboo snorted and Tubbo looked offended.

"First of all, he is not a thing," he said in a defensive voice.  "Second of all, his name is Micheal, and third of all he's me and Ranboo's son, not yours."

"Well I still wanna hold him!"

"No," Ranboo snapped.  "You threatened to throw him off of a building into a fire."

"That was just a joke," Tommy said with a nervous laugh.  "Come on Ranboo, pleaseee?"

"Absolutely not."


"Alright that's enough," Dream said when Tubbo's anger flared up.  He didn't need Tubbo headbutting anyone, he needed them uninjured.  "Can we go home and get a good nights rest?  Tomorrow is an important day."

"I don't know the context behind that sentence, but I agree," Techno drawled, his monotone voice scraping over them.  

"Suck up," Tommy muttered, earning a knife to his throat where there had only been empty space moments before.

"Wanna rephrase that?"

"No.  I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me!"

Techno dug the knife deeper, making Tommy wince and whimper.  His eyes were hard and resilient as steel though, he remained unyielding.  

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