Chapter 22- The Two Impostors

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Dream tapped his fingers against the metal cart, relishing to cool material against his hands.  The kitchen around him was loud, steamy, and noisy, which was the perfect environment to hide in.  People rushed around, preparing everything for a final banquet for L'Manburg's independence, no one paying attention to the server with sandy hair.

There was a tap on Dream's shoulder and he turned to find a mask-less Corpse smiling at him.  He too wore a serving uniform as he stepped beside Dream with a nod.  Dream took a deep breath and began pushing the cart forward.  It held a wide variety of foods meant to be taken to the banquet hall.  From there, they'd drop the act.

"Hey," a voice shouted.  A hand fell on Dream's shoulder and he turned, his heart beating in his throat.  A cook with ruddy cheeks and a glistening brow was glaring at him.  "Hurry up already, you've been standing around for ages."

"Sorry sir," Dream stammered out.  He turned back around and hurried out, Corpse remaining at his side.

"I thought we were about to be rumbled right there," he muttered, making Dream sigh.  His heart was beating at a million miles an hour and he was blinking away panicked tears.

"Me too."

"Come on, we've gotta do this before the dinner starts."

Dream hummed as they picked up the pace.  The gun tucked in his waistband was cold against his side and the knives against his chest clacked together, concealed by the rumbling of the cart.  He didn't exactly want to use either of them, but if worst came to worst he would have to.  

They finally came across the hall, and Dream couldn't help but let out a huge breath of relief.  Step one was finished.  The two hurried in, both looking the part of hurried, underpaid workers just trying to get by.  Dream kept his head down, he couldn't afford to be spotted now.

People flurried in and out, carrying everything from food to flowers.  They finished setting down the steaming platters when a feminine voice called out.

"Can you two spare a moment?"

Corpse and Dream turned to see the one and only Nihachu hurrying towards them, microphone in hand.  Dream's blood ran cold.  If there was one person in the city, other than the police department, who knew too much about Dream, it would be her.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we have many things to prepare."

"I understand," she said, sounding a little put out.  As she turned, he elbow hit a candle holder and it clattered to the floor.  She gasped in alarm and jumped back, making Dream withhold a snort.  Instead, he bent down to pick it up.  When he did, he felt the gun slip.  His hand went to his hip but he was too late.  It slid down his pants and hit the floor with a muted thud.

Nihachu froze, her eyes going to the dangerous object.  Dream tightened his grip on the candle holder, prepared to whack her with it.  Corpse's eyes were wide and panicked and his hand drifted to his stash of knives.  The world seemed to have slowed.

Then, to their immense surprise, she bent down as well.  Her hands wrapped around the handle and she discreetly handed it back to Dream, her eyes darting around the room.

"You might want to secure that better Dream," she whispered.  Dream's eyes were practically popping out of his head as he took it back and put it away.


"Well this city is in need of new management," the anchor said with a surprisingly cold smile.  "I've tried to warn people, but no one ever listens to me.  You'd be surprised by how many people are on your side."

"Thank you," Dream breathed out.  "I won't forget this."

"I'd sure hope not," she said with a laugh.  She stepped back, her smile becoming warmer and practiced.  "I'm sorry to have wasted your time gentlemen, I'm sure you have important things to do."  She winked and walked off.

"You got so fucking lucky."

"Yeah I know that," Dream snapped, turning.  "Let's just get out of here, the distraction is probably happening right now."

Corpse nodded and they started back down the hallway.  The layout of the huge building ran through Dream's mind and he took a sharp turn, nearly running into Corpse with his cart.  The man snarled and shoved the cart away, glaring at Dream before he could say a word someone walked down the hallway.

This specific someone was obviously a guard.  He was wearing a crisp L'Manburg uniform and carried a heavy gun.  He made eye contact with the two and glared suspiciously.

"What are you two doing," he growled, stomping over to the them.  "The kitchen is the opposite way."

"The cart is broken sir," Corpse explained smoothly, his deep voice rolling over the guard.  "We were going to exchange it for a functioning one."

"How could it be broken, they were all tested this morning."

"These two kids got control of it," Dream interjected.  "We were laying out food and they stole it.  They managed to crash it and mess up one of the wheels."

"Do you know the names of these delinquents?"

"No sir, one was blonde and the other a brunete."

"Understood.  Go quickly, I don't want any more trouble from either of you for the rest of the night.  Understood?"

The two nodded, keeping their eyes and head down as the guard passed.  As soon as he was gone they straightened up and bolted for the storage closet.

"Okay this has already been way to close for comfort," Dream huffed out.  Corpse nodded and pulled off the serving outfit.  Underneath it he wore a dark plum turtleneck and black ripped jeans.  He pulled the bunny mask from his pocket and slipped it on.  Dream did the same with his own mask, becoming Nightmare.

"Well at least we don't have to hide anymore," Corpse said lazily, pulling a silenced pistol from his pocket and turning the safety off.

"We say as we put on our masks."

They laughed together, enjoying on final moment of peace before the chaos that would soon ensue.

"You ready," Dream finally asked, regaining control of himself.

"Born ready bitch."

Nightmare snorted and kicked open the door, a throwing knife in his hand.  They swept into the empty hallway before he motioned for Corpse to follow him.  They raced through the halls, surprised by lack of security.  Had their plan worked?

Their luck eventually ran out as they got closer to Schlatt's office.  Voices echoed through the halls and the two had no choice but to duck into a closet.  The clunk of boots strutted past as two voices conversed with one another.

"-at the Box.  Probably the Sleep Boys again."

"Why would they be that stupid?  Our forces have noticeably doubled since Tubbo's release, there's no chance they get what they want."

"Yes, well they probably want Eret.  Too bad she's not there."

The two laughed and their voices faded away.  Nightmare looked through the keyhole to see the hallway was clear before letting himself out.  Their greatest priority was getting to Schlatt without causing damage.  Nevertheless, he was itching to find a certain someone before they did so.

The two impostors resumed their hurried pace, weaving through the furnished maze.  Sometimes they dove into nooks and closets to avoid patrols.  Other times they met the wrong end of the gun or blade.  No alarms had been set off, everything was working.

Another patrol was headed their way, and once again there was no where to hide for long.  Nightmare slipped behind a vase, Corpse pressed himself to the wall.  Around the corner came two people Nightmare knew, the two he wanted to see the most.  As Bad and Sapnap walked, Nightmare pulled out his gun.  

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