Bonus Scenes

619 13 12

Hello, I know the book is finished but I wrote a scene that was meant to go in between chapters 12 and 13.  However, it kind of screwed up the flow of the story so this is like a "I worked on this so I don't want it to go to waste but I have no where else to put it," sort of thing.  This chapter was originally titled "Ex's Regrets."  

UPDATE- I was in the mood to write more from Eret's POV, so this entire "chapter" is going to be random event's that happened to Eret that I couldn't incorporate into the story.  I kept it Dream's POV for the entire time for the rest of the book and I didn't want to ruin that by adding these in.  So I put them here instead.  Anyways, I'll put where each event happened just in case you're drawing a blank.  I do hope you enjoy!

(Between 12 and 13)

Someone knocked on Eret's door and she straightened up, brushing down the folds of her strawberry dress. She was expecting an official in need of relaxation, and decided to dress up for the occasion.

"Come in," they called once they deemed themself ready. The door swung open and a fox hybrid stepped in. He wore a black jacket, white shirt, and simple pants. He looked like he could be any other citizen, not the one of the president's right hand men.

"Fundy," Eret said with a smile. The hybrid's ears twitched at the recognition and he smiled, but it was a weary, worn smile. "Are you alright, you don't look well."

Fundy sighed and pulled off his jacket, hanging it on the coat rack. The door swung shut with a soft click behind him. Eret mentally cursed himself, he meant to have a butler do that.

"I've been better. Things are just getting tense at the office," he said, rolling his shoulders. He had bags under his golden eyes and his eyelids fluttered sleepily. "The Sleepy Boys have been abnormally quiet and there's been rumors of a pirate ship being sighted offshore."

"That's not good," Eret said, twisting her face into a hopefully believable look of sympathy.

"Yeah. And to cap it all off, my ex went missing."

"Oh god, that's not good either," Eret said truthfully, feeling a stab of pity. He had never really dated anyone per say, but even so that must feel horrible.

"Yeah it's all over the news. I'm just waiting for them to dig up our dirt to help with the research," he snarled sarcastically, putting the last part in air quotations.  Eret's stomach twisted in recognition and surprise.

"Wait, is it Dream?"

"Sadly," Fundy said, a faraway look developing in his eyes. "We had been friends for years and got together our third year of high school. But after we graduated I screwed up big time."

"How so?" He lead Fundy to the couch, giving him a seat. The hybrid sighed again, looking regretful.

"I wanted power and control, especially since my parents were shit and all. So when I got an apprenticeship with Schlatt I didn't turn it down. The more power I tasted the more I was drawn to it. I would barely pay attention to Dream and devoted all my time to rising to the top. When he confronted me about it, we got into a huge fight and I left without another word. We haven't talked since, and now he's gone.  I don't know if I'll ever see him again"

Eret sat there, digesting the information. Fundy sounded so upset and conflicted as he told the story. Eret wanted to take him to Phil's and prove that Dream was okay, but he had a feeling if he tried that his company would go up in flames- figuratively and literally.  However, he had another idea with hopefully less disastrous consequences.

"I have faint contact with the Sleepy Boys, I could see if they'd be willing to let you and me talk to Dream."

Fundy's head snapped up, his eyes going wide.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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