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"SO you're really going to Korea, Sky?" my college best friend Sophia asked.

We're currently doing a video conference with our squad, The Potato Chips.

"I thought we'll graduate together, what's with the sudden change of heart, Sky?" it was Raf who asked this time.

"Yes, Sophia I'm really going to Korea and for your question Raf, I told you guys already, I'll be back, I just want to find myself, after all that happened" I answered.

"Well, I do understand Sky, it was more than a break-up, her heart was broken, it was her mom she lost" Jazz stated.

"Yes, her mom whom she loved and taken cared of" Dominic remarked.

"But if you need help for your papers here in school, you know that we can actually do it for you, so you don't need to drop out, right? Like the quizzes, exams, and activities, it'll be easy for us and for you since it's online" Raf announced.

"But you guys have done so much for me for the past few weeks of me not attending our classes" I stated.

"But you know, we help you because we want to and we understand you" Haezel said.

"And I don't deserve any of that, I don't want to take advantage of you guys"

"You didn't, Sky" Sophia replied.

"You deserve it because it was you, the reason why we exist, why we have all of the things we have and achieved as a college student, it was all because of you, Sky" Haezel says.

"No, you guys worked for it, it's not because of me, it was your pure dedication and hard work, guys"

"But it was you who found us, we'll give that credit to you, without you, there's no us" it was Raf this time.

"And without you by our side, we can't make it, you're our leader, inspiration, so we'll be here with you no matter what, we'll help you without any conditions since it's you. It is you, Sky" Haezel adds.

"Why are you guys like this? You want me to cry, don't you?" I said wiping a tear that falls unconsciously.

"It's okay to cry sometimes, we'll listen to all of your thoughts, Sky. Just like on how you listened to our stories before, without judgments" Sophia said.

"Who am I to judge your stories back then? You guys have been through a lot too" I replied.

I'm thankful. Very thankful that I met the right friends I want to be with, forever.

"But still, thank you for listening to us before, it's our time to hear yours now" Haezel spoke.

"Thank you guys too, for being there with me. I'll promise that once I'm settled down, I'll come back to you guys. You guys are the people whom I want to treasure forever. People whom I know that is true to me, my home, my rest. I love you guys" I cried.

"We love you too. Now, you can cry, we'll be here for you, we'll listen" Jazz replied.

"ARE you sure you'll be really okay all alone?" it was the nth time I'm hearing that from my dad even before we arrived here at the airport.

"I will be okay, dad, for real" I answered assuring him.

"Tell us if you're already landed there, okay? Don't make us worry Sky" it was Cloud.

"I will Cloud and please take care of Heaven and especially Lemon, for me" I replied. Lemon is my Persian cat that my mom loves so much.

"Of course we will, Lemon is a family" dad said.

"Yes please, it's really sad that I can't take her"


Hearing the announcement, I look at my dad and brother with a teary eyes as we proceed to do a group hug.

"Dad, Cloud, I need to go" I uttered.

"Please, take care of yourself, Princess" Dad whispered.

Letting go of the hug, I look at them one last time and wave as I went inside the airport proceeding to Gate 12.

This is it, no turning back, Sky.

"LADIES and gentlemen, welcome to Incheon International Airport, South Korea. On behalf of Cebu Pacific Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you onboard again in the near future. Have a nice night and stay!"

As soon as I heard it, I immediately stand up and took my luggage as I went outside the plane.

New environment. New place. A start-up... at least.


Hi everyone, I hope you guys enjoy reading this and I'm hoping for y'all safety. Be healthy and strong as you are. It'll be alright.

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