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Feeling the scenery of the refreshing air on the rooftop while sipping the strawberry shake I got from the café on the first floor, I was startled when I heard the rooftop door opened.

It was Johnny.

"What are you doing here, Mr.Suh?" I asked, still looking at the view in front of me, as I hear his footsteps nearing stops.

"Taking a break, and just to clear my mind" he answered, looking at the sky with heads up and opened arms. The wind even played with his hair.


"Not really, just got into a fight but will never get tired" he replied, closing his eyes as he sighed.

Shaking my strawberry shake as I sipped some, I heard him whispered. "At least not for him"

I smiled.

He just got into a fight with Ten.

"And you Ms.Manager, what are you doing here?" he asked, facing me.

Facing him I smiled "Just like you taking a break"

"It's kinda refreshing and calm coming here" he uttered.

I nodded. "It is, it feels like it can take all your worries away"

"You have been worrying over something?" Johnny asked.

I just shrugged and smiled at him, I even shake my drink to grab my own attention, pre-occupying my thoughts. "No, I was just explaining the feeling to be here"

Nodding he answered "But you're right, it can take all your worries away" and then crossed his arms.

"Why? What kind of worry, the one and only Johnny Suh may have?" I asked in a curious look, even stopping myself from almost laughing.

"You watched that video?" he asked az he laughed in his deep voice.

The video he was talking about is one of their YouTube content as NCT 127 unit.

"Of course, I told you I'm an NCTzen myself, the video was hilarious, Haechan, you and Jungwoo can actually do for a comedy show, you guys are ending up every comedian's job out there!" I answered.

"Yeah, I was quite chaotic there, excuse myself" he said, even putting his hand on his forehead, giggling a little.

"Are you experiencing a second-hand embarrassment right now? Haha!" I teased.

Johnny looked away, stopping himself from laughing, his ears are so red!

"No need to be ashamed Mr.Suh, all of the contents that were uploaded on the official YouTube account are all good and not really surprisingly hilarious! It's all fun, NCTzens love those" I commented.

He then looks at me, replying "Sure it is, the production is really good at making and thinking contents that fits us and the script is somewhat powerful"

"And you guys made it more powerful, the videos were amazing! You guys added a lot of colors in it for it to be perfect!" I said.

"Isn't adding colors and such is a job from the editing team?" Johnny laughed.

I looked at him in disbelief.

"Did you just take it literally, I'm leaving Johnny Suh!" I faked cried.

He laughed with pleasure, clapping his hand, bending down a little.

"You're sense of humor! I love it! We should be friends!" he exclaimed.

"That'll be a pleasure then, Mr. Suh"

Laughing his heart out Johnny said "Me too"

"So you're okay now?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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