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"SO, the schedule for today is just a meeting for the upcoming project and schedules for the whole month that you guys will do with all of the members or in short as NCT 2020" I announced to the members of Foreign Swaggers.

I'll be calling them like that in general because that's how we fans call them.

They just nodded and went back to their phones while waiting for the other members to arrive.

I was quite confused because I thought the management usually calls them for a meeting by unit, like 127, Dream then WayV, and the two new members, but I guess they just do it for the comeback promotions and it's very different from the usual even though they live on their dorms by unit.

I make myself busy by arranging the papers and editing newly added schedules on my laptop.

It was Yangyang who broke the silence by asking me.

"Today's the first day, aren't you nervous?"

That question made not only me into the topic but the rest. They even stopped using their phones, anticipating what my answer will be.


"What do you mean by kinda?" Yangyang followed.

"I mean, kind of nervous but also anticipating since I need to do it anyway, so I'll just get into it" I explained.

"Don't worry, we'll help you with the adjustments" Johnny assured.

I smiled at him. "Thank you"

"Where are you staying by the way?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, you didn't stay with anyone in the unit dorms" Jaehyun added.

"I'm staying at the apartment complex the company owns, like a 10 minutes walk away from here" I replied.

Both of them nodded. They get back to what they're doing as I do mine.

The members are coming one by one, some are by groups after finishing their personal schedules.

They greeted me upon seeing me sitting along with the other members.

My co-managers smiled at me, I stand up and went to them greeting them politely.

As all of them were there already and complete, the meeting started. They talked about the magazine deals and photoshoots, music shows promotions for their group comebacks, personal schedules, video contents, and such.

They also start discussing things like flying out of the country to promote and also their plans on going tours. I wrote every finalized plan and their insights about it on my notepad.

I saw how each of them participated in the discussion seriously. It was an unusual sight to me, it's new. Because as a fan, we never really see what's behind every work they're doing. I'm amazed at how many ideas they have.

Soon after, the meeting ended well. Congratulating and thanking everyone for their hard work, the members and us, the managers bowed to each other and clapped as well.

The members stayed and talked more, doing some catch-ups. The other managers volunteered and went to the cafe to buy drinks for everyone, as for myself, I went back to my chair earlier and type what I wrote in my notepad during the discussion.

"What are you doing, noona?" It was Chenle who asked me in his cute English accent.

"I'm writing what the meeting is all about and the plans that have been finalized" I replied.

"Basically minutes of the meeting" Mark jived in.

I nodded in response as I continue what I am doing.

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